Chapter 2

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Another week has passed, after Sir Pentious challenged Alastor, after Vox figured out Alastor was back and failed to have Sir Pentious spy on them, of course Alastor told him off as he crushed the watch Sir Pentious had as he told Vox to try harder. Now it has been a week since Sir Pentious has been staying at the hotel but he was having trust issues so Lucifer decided to help them out, Alastor on the other hand decided he should go to the overlord meeting after his 7 year break off. So Alastor wished Lucifer luck with the trust exercises as he called him "Sam" since Lucifer was still scared to say his actual name.

One of Sir Pentious egg Bois, Frank decided to follow Alastor. Then Alastor later met Zestial on the way to the overlord meeting.

"Greetings Zestial!" Alastor then greeted him.

"Oh my, it has been awhile since I last saw you my friend! Where were thou over the past 7 years?" Zestial then asked. "I thought you might have fallen into... Holy arms?"

"Nothing much really! I just decided to take a break!" Alastor said as he fixed his bowtie.

"Oh I do wonder... I overheard that thou were helping that odd sinner Samuel? How did that exactly happen with thou helping out of all people?" Zestial then asked Alastor.

"That's for me to know, but do guess! I would love to hear the theories! Haha!~" Alastor said as he laughed.

"I see"

After a while they went in the elevator as Frank was still following Alastor.


Frank tripped then Alastor noticed as he went to him.

"Hey you little egg creature!"

"Yes boss?"

"Follow them" Alastor said as he was talking about Carmilla so Frank could spy on her.

"Yes sir!" Frank then went inside of Carmilla's workplace.


After that, Frank went outside as Alastor stopped him to ask him what he heard as Frank said a lot of the singing then mentioned about Carmilla killing the angel.

"Oh? Interesting.... This information may be useful for later~" Alastor said as he believes so. "Now... Let's keep this between us? Shall we?"

"Yes sir!"

Meanwhile back at the hotel after a few trust exercises as the guilt as he was talking about trust.... He didn't know what to do since he was lying about his true identity.... Especially from the one he loves.... He wanted to tell him so badly but he was still afraid of what Alastor would think of him. Since the leader of the exterminators was his own daughter.... He was even more to not tell Alastor because he was afraid of Alastor hating him, thinking Alastor would hate him since himself and the leader of the angel exterminators were related. Which Lucifer would believe what would happen which worried him deeply.

"Hey Sam? Dude you good?" Angel then asked him as he noticed Lucifer's expression.

"... Y-yeah.... Just continue your exercises.... I... I need some time to think about something...." Lucifer said as he walked throughout the hallway as he left the others, he immediately started tearing up as he leaned up on a wall as he covered his face.

"Damnit... Why am I thinking like this...? But I need to protect everyone here.... Especially Al.... I am stronger than my daughter.... But there's no way I'm ever hurting her.... Lilith what the fuck did you taught her...?!" Lucifer said as he was breaking down as he clenched his fist.

Alastor then came back with Frank following him, he then noticed Sir Pentious and the others were talking and weren't like before.

"I see you guys are doing well!" Alastor then said as he noticed the 4 of them.

"Yeah! Haha! Also uh Samuel doesn't look well earlier- he had a troubled look on his face, not sure why-" Angel then told Alastor as he shrugged.

"Why thank you! I'll go check on Sam now! Also Pentious, here's your egg Boi!" Alastor said as he pushes Frank to Pentious before going off to find Lucifer.

Lucifer then eventually got up and was heading back as he saw Alastor in front of him before he rushed towards him and hugged him.

"Hm? Sam... Is there something going on..? You could always tell me.... Y'know..." Alastor said as he was comforting Lucifer.

".... If anything happens to anyone here and you especially.... I will protect you and everyone no matter what...." Lucifer said as he held onto Alastor tight as he was in Alastor's chest.

"Oh darling.... You don't have to worry about me my deer..." Alastor said as he kissed his head. "Now, shall we get to the others?" Lucifer nodded as he headed back to them afterwards.


5 months later, Lucifer was kinda stressing out as Alastor was getting fond of everyone at the hotel. Husk and Angel were getting close as friends of course. Lucifer just didn't know what to do especially with his daughter.... Which, he couldn't even bring her up about her being her daughter.

Alastor noticed Lucifer as he grew concerned for him as he went to him to check if he was ok.

"Darling...? Are you ok...?"

"Oh..! Nothing much Al..! Just worried about the upcoming extermination...! Haha...!"

"Hm... Perhaps there could be a way to set up the meeting with those angels? If they were somehow to communicate with you, we could use that same way to communicate to them just how they did before?" Alastor then suggested Lucifer.

"Al....! Those angels wouldn't listen... And cannot be trusted.... They would never understand...." Lucifer then said as he turned his back from everyone as he remembers them always denying every idea he ever had.

"My darling.... You can't know that until you try...." As Alastor said this he went to Lucifer and rested his hand on Lucifer's shoulder and even tried to convince him it was going to be ok.

".... I guess I could try.... Thanks Al... I'll be back...." Lucifer said then headed to his and Alastor's room as he sighs before making a call on the call bubble.

After a while, Michael answered his call as he saw Lucifer's face.

"Ah! Hello my young brother! How are you doing?" Michael asked as he missed his brother.

"Michael... I know I haven't called in eons but uh.... I have a big question...." Lucifer said nervously.

"Hm yes brother?"

".... Can I please have a meeting with heaven if a soul could be redeemed from hell..?"

"Whoa... That's quite a huge ask.... Are you sure about this...?"

"Please Michael..! Just this once and I won't bother again..! I promise..!" Lucifer then pleaded.

"Ok, ok I'll immediately tell Sera. Besides she has to listen to me anyways.... Be prepared tomorrow.... I wish you luck..." Michael said as he sighs before hanging up then went to Sera.

Lucifer then made the bubble call disappear as he went out back to the lobby as Alastor went to him to ask if anything happened.

"Were you able to contact them, Sam?"

"Yes for sure Al.... And you are heading there tomorrow..." Lucifer said as he himself didn't want to visit heaven, like at all.

"Darling... If I'm going... I would want you to come with me...." Alastor then hugs Lucifer.

"Wait.... W-what...?" Lucifer said, as he laughed nervously a bit.

"We are both sinners after all! And it's just for tomorrow anyways!!"

"Ha... Yeah..." Lucifer nervously said.

To be continued!!

Sorry for the huge timeskip, also get ready for angst next chapter! Haha.

"A Love Between a Sinner and a Fallen Angel" Radioapple Story (Roleswap au)Where stories live. Discover now