had the rumblies

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Friday, 8:43 PM

Thing 1: TAKE THAT TETSU!!! I WIN!!!

Bore Whore: This is not at all what I was expecting to come of this situation.

Professional Shit Starter: You and I both, Iwaizumi-san.

Thing 1: i would take offense but i am too busy basking in the glory of my victory 💅

Deadchi: I am so glad I came to watch your practice match.

Perfidious Lover: same here, that was the most entertaining shit i have seen in awhile

Himbo: now it makes sense why all of us were here minus the nekoma duo + daishou...

Homewrecker: If I had any regrets in life it would be not blowing off my study group to go to Miyagi for this

Homewrecker: I am forever in your debt, Suga

Perfidious Lover: and don't you forget it 🤭

Amateur Shit Starter: i get why kuro had to be excluded but why me

Bore Whore: You're Kuroo's best friend.

Amatuer Shit Starter: so?

Amatuer Shit Starter: my silence could've been bought with shoyo

Thing 69: simp

Thing 1: TETSU!!!!

Thing 69: why hello tooru

Thing 69: what is it you have won?

Thing 1: 🤭i won kou over first, we're dating now

Thing 69: oh?

Thing 420: no need to get upset, dude, he just played his cards right

Thing 69: upset? not at all

Thing 69: in fact i am super happy

Thing 1: come again?

Thing 69: i'm glad you have another person to love you and care for you and shower you with affection, it makes me incredibly happy to see you both together, it suits you

Thing 69: you deserve the world tooru and the owl can give it to you

Thing 1: oh

Deadchi: I think Kuroo just broke Oikawa.

Whore Hard: 🤯forreal! he is just...staring 🤨

Thing 69: i wish you both the best in your relationship

Try Hard: Not gonna lie but I thought Kuroo would've put up more of a fight

Try Hard: I did not expect him to give up Oikawa like this


Thing 1: tetsu, you're not thinking of this as me dumping you, right???

Thing 1: or you're not thinking of dumping ME right???

Thing 1: we were in agreement over this, yes??

Thing 420: oh shit, did i ruin your relationship?

Thing 420: i am so sorry

Thing 69: what? no!

Thing 69: you didn't ruin anything and i am not taking this as the end of our relationship tooru

Thing 69: but things have changed now

Amatuer Shit Starter: ew get that look off your face

Amatuer Shit Starter: its creepy

Homewrecker: Seriously, you're giving me the chills

Professional Shit Starter: Kuroo-san, please explain your thinking. Bokuto-san and Oikawa-san are starting to worry our coaches more than normal and I personally don't feel like explaining this to them and I doubt anyone else does either.

Thing 69: i have no sympathy for you akaashi, eat shit 💗

Professional Shit Starter: Is this because of what I said to Kozume-san?

Thing 69: yes

Professional Shit Starter: Fair enough. Carry on.

Thing 69: the situation has changed drastically now, tooru and kou

Thing 69: tooru, you have us BOTH now but can you keep us?

Thing 69: and kou, you have tooru but can you get me?

Deadchi: Oh, I get it now.

Deadchi: His hair is so big in order to accommodate his massive ego.

Perfidious Lover: you may be onto something...

Bore Whore: It's the way these two are seriously thinking this over and brainstorming right now for me. Acting as if Kuroo hasn't admitted multiple times both in the chats and in person how he feels about them and proven just how much of a softie he really is.

Himbo: forreal

Himbo: they are acting like they are actually going to lose/not get him

Homewrecker: Oh ho ho

Homewrecker: It seems as if your mind games are losing what minimal effect they had, rooster

Homewrecker: Everyone can see right through you

Thing 69: i actually wasn't trying to play mind games right now but okay

Whore Hard: lame ass

Thing 69: what...?

Try Hard: It seems the entertainment for this evening has concluded. Shame

Perfidious Lover: anyways

Perfidious Lover: who wants to go get food?

Deadchi: I vote Oikawa and Bokuto have to buy.

Professional Shit Starter: I should've been on Karasuno...

Amatuer Shit Starter: you and me both akaashi

Himbo: that would basically make it a team of just setters at that point

Homewrecker: Ooh! So close!

Homewrecker: But anyways, where are we getting food?

Bore Whore: I should not be surprised that you three actually showed up and just lied about not being here.

Deadchi: Wait. I see Kenma and Daishou but where is Kuroo?

Thing 69: wouldn't you like to know

Perfidious Lover: just follow the sound of tsukkis thinning patience

Himbo: oh are we going to have free entertainment while we eat?

Whore Hard: 🎉 we get to watch bokuto and oikawa try and hunt down kuroo as we they pay for our food 👏

Bore Whore: I snagged Oikawa's wallet, let's go.

Whore Hard: 😍 lead the way baby 😣

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