built different

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Sunday, 9:03 AM

Tendou: oh? 👀 is this our reward for being in the right place at the right time? 😼

Iwaizumi: It's Oikawa's punishment for being a dumbass. Also, never use that emoji again.

Ultimate PB: 😼 does it make you uncomfortable, iwa-chan? 😼

Iwaizumi: Don't call me that, furry.

Ultimate PB: 😼

Ultimate PB: 😸

Ultimate PB: 😺

Ultimate PB: 🐱

Professional Shit Starter: We get it, Kuroo-san. You're a furry.

Ultimate PB: keep bullying me akaashi and i'll tell bo what REALLY happened to s'tony stark

Bastard McFuckhead: wait what does he mean what really happened to s'tony? akaashi? what happened with s'tony?! did he not actually go to live on your farm up north?!

Professional Shit Starter has left the chat


Iwaizumi: ...Anyways. Tendou, Ushijima, you two have been added to the chat because Oikawa does not like you two and he deserves to suffer for being an idiot.

Lickety Lick: harsh

Ushijima: Is the fact that Oikawa doesn't like us part of the reason I was not added originally? Was the purpose of this chat not to set up practice matches via the captains of the teams?

Daddy~: To be honest Ushijima I just forgot to add you.

Ushijima: Oh, I see. It is similar to how Nationals keep forgetting to add Karasuno to the competitors list.

Ushijima: Oh wait, they don't forget to add Karasuno. Karasuno just never qualifies.

Daddy~: ...


Iwaizumi: Oh shit.

Tendou: 😍 get their asses baby ❣️

Bastard McFuckhead: what's with the overuse of emojis?

Tendou: 👁️ 👄 👁️ what's with the UNDER use of emojis? 🤔

Bastard McFuckhead: ...shit you right... 🤯

Daddy's Baby Boy: god fucking damnit, tendou made bokuto realize he could use emojis whenever! fucking hell

Little Bitch Boy: yes suga that is the true crime here

Little Bitch Boy: let's ignore the fact that you PIMP SLAPPED ME so hard i BLACKED OUT and then proceeded to TAKE A SELFIE WITH MY LIFELESS BODY ON THE GROUND AND MY BIGGEST NEMESIS IN THE BACKGROUND before you listened to that traitorous iwa-chan and ADDED THEM TO THE CHAT

Ushijima: Biggest nemesis? And you say I'm the obsessed one.

Little Bitch Boy: ex-fucking-cuse me?

Ultimate PB: ushiwaka is not holding back. go off king

Ushijima: Thank you, Ultimate Pterodactyl Brute, I will.

Ultimate PB: this is the best morning of my life

Little Bitch Boy: really, tetsu-chan? you're siding with ushiwaka over me?

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