not swift and very painful

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Sunday, 1:12 AM

Lickety Lick: yknow

Lickety Lick: i would totally fuck moto moto

Lickety Lick: but like

Lickety Lick: no homo

Sunday, 2:46 AM

Akaashi: You have a point, Moto Moto is disturbingly alluring.

Sunday, 3:56 AM

Iwaizumi: Love how you say 'no homo' as if that is the issue here, not the fact that Moto Moto is a fictional animated hippo.

Akaashi: The rules still apply to fictional animated animals, Iwaizumi-san. The socks stay ON.

Iwaizumi: ...alright. What are you guys doing up anyways?

Lickety Lick: looking at moto moto fan art

Lickety Lick: what else?

Daddy's Baby Boy: ooh terushima send me some links!

Iwaizumi: Seriously Sugawara?

Daddy's Baby Boy: oh please iwaizumi

Akaashi: As if you don't have any fictional animated animals you would fuck.

Akaashi: Everyone has at least one and if you don't you're either lying or a repressed virgin.

Iwaizumi: Wow, Akaashi. Really?

Iwaizumi: I expected you to be more mature. Don't know how I got that idea, your captain is Bokuto.

Daddy's Baby Boy: and he is also a part of the pretty setter gc

Daddy's Baby Boy: which includes not only me and oikawa but also atsumu, semi, shirabu, and yahaba, among others

Akaashi: Not to mention my closest friends are Bokuto-san, Kuroo-san, Kozume-san, and Tsukishima.

Iwaizumi: Right.

Akaashi: How you came to the conclusion that I am mature and calm is beyond me.

Daddy's Baby Boy: it's bc you hide it well and aren't as in your face about it as kuroo and bokuto

Daddy's Baby Boy: smart of you

Akaashi: Those two do make for reliable and convincing scapegoats.

Akaashi: Like that training camp where the fire alarm went off and triggered the sprinklers. Bokuto-san took all the blame with little work on my part. It was almost too easy.

Daddy's Baby Boy: that was so funny, he immediately got blamed bc he had pulled the alarm before

Daddy's Baby Boy: but wait

Daddy's Baby Boy: why DID you set the alarm off?

Daddy's Baby Boy: ...akaashi?

Akaashi: [voice note, 9:37 minutes]

Lickety Lick: man i wish i was there, that sounds EPIC

Akaashi: It was.

Iwaizumi: Alright, stop talking about fucking animated animals and setting off the fire alarm in cold blooded revenge, time to go to sleep.

Lickety Lick: yes sir

Sunday, 8:09 AM

Little Bitch Boy: iwa-chan doesn't have an animated animal he would fuck

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