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At 6:30 a.m

The insane bright sunlight is coming through the large window glasses and landing on my face. I slowly opened my eyes. With blurred morning vision I slowly woke up from the bed and walked towards the window. Almost the whole town can be watched through it. I was mesmerized by this look if nature. School starts from 7:30 so I still have lot time. I went to the wash room to take shower. After a while I came out and wore my outfit. I don't like to overdress myself so I wore a dark blue shirt and a grey cargo loose pant. I checked myself on the mirror and Perfect! As I was packing my backpack. I heard someone knocking. I already guessed the person.

Liya: Good morning Adi- You woke up already? Great! Mr. and Mrs. Park is waiting at the table downstairs for you. Your breakfast is ready.

Adi: Good morning Liya Eonnie I will be downstairs in 5 minutes.

I like how she was amazed to see me awake in this early morning. Well I am very punctual, time is very precious to me. I remembered about my watch. I wore it and picked up my phones and headphones. I can't borrow my headsets as it was my favorite which my brother gave me in LA. I went downstairs.

Mom: Jaemin-ahh don't be nervous. Do well at school. Don't get intro any trouble. Make sure you stick around good friends. I already informed Jisoo and the other guys to take care of you. Don't skip meal. Take class notes carefully and listen to your teachers and make good impression at your class.

Adi: Yo yo mom calm down. You are worrying too much. Don't worry I will be definitely a good kid. Right dad?

Dad: ofc my kid. We hired a new driver. But I will take you there today as it is your very 1st day at school.

I finished my breakfast. I took my backpack and left. After 30 minutes of journey I reached my school.

Dad: Good luck kiddo. Take care. Mr.shin will be waiting after school to pick you up. Bye bye~

I hugged him and went inside. It was so huge. I can easily get lost here. My previous school in junior high was not this much large so It looks like one of those large ass schools in K-drama. I am lucky to be here. It had many floors. As I was walking forward while counting the floors I realized I accidentally crashed with some girl.

Adi: SHIA-(shit in thai language)

Unknown girl: God didn't give you eyes to shit Mr.

-Wait did she just call me MR?? Who will say her that I am not a Mr?? Here we go again with some random girl mistaking me as a boy. It's not new to me. How did she know I was speaking Thai? Maybe she guessed it. To show my manners I bent down to pick her stuff.

Unknown girl: Don't touch my stuff.

Adi: I am so sorry but I think you've mista-

Unknown girl: Looks like you are also destructed just like your bias. Suits you well. And yes I haven't mistaken anything. You're the one who is a weirdo here.

I caught her staring at my cargo's pocket where I kept my mechanical pencil. It had a sticker of RM. Just as I was going to say something she picked her stuff and rudely walked away flipping her hair off giving me her attitude. She had long slightly brownish hair. She was so short that i almost didn't notice her that time.


It's not that I crashed into her willingly. Well I don't want piss myself off. If it was a random day I would have given a knuckle-sandwich (punch) on that face of hers. It was not a logical act for her to burst out like that. Weird.

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