“But how about the training? Remember?” I asked.

“This is your training. Now don’t be whining about this stuff cause I won’t give a shit about it, now get started.” Leroy ordered.

Art and I looked at each other, but followed what Leroy said. How can I even chop these things. I guess it will be easy since we are using axes. I took one big trunk, it took me a while to put it in a clear area. Art is observing me.

“This is so heavy.” I said when I was about to lift the axe.

That weighs 100 kilos.” Leroy said, who is now sitting on a rocking chair.

“What?!” Art and I both said.

Leroy shrugged his shoulders. “It’s still the basic so start working.”

“Are you trying to kill us?” Art said.

“Whatever kid.” Leroy said and ignored Art.

“Yaahh.” Art made a sound after lifting the axe and hit the wood. He got pissed with the old man calling him a kid.

This will take forever. The axe is so heavy and the trunks are so big, how can we even cut it into little pieces? With exact sizes.

Sweats are pouring like rain in me. This is a hard job. The sun is now up, the girls are up too, now they are watching us with Steve and Greg. Neola and Larissa’s eyes are orange, meaning they are worried about us.

My breath is now on its limit. I’m so tired, we’ve been doing this for four hours, and we haven’t had breakfast yet. Art is the same as me too, but he’s quiet, I guess calling him a kid hit his ego. We haven’t reach the exact size of the log that we are going to follow, I haven’t even finished chopping the trunk that I started chopping after four hours. This is impossible; the axe is even heavier than me.

“Okay, stop.” Leroy finally said it.

“Finally.” I said catching my breath.

“You can eat your breakfast now.” He said. Steve and Greg put on the breakfast on the table that they set outside the house.

“Are you alright?” Neola asked me with worried eyes.

“I think I’m going to die in here than in the hands of the Vipers.” I said honestly.

“I’m sorry.” She said.

“No it’s not your fault.”

She went nearer to me and wiped my sweat, I was breathing heavily. He gave me another shirt so I can change, I’m too tired to go in and change, so I just took of my shirt in front of Neola. Her eyes immediately went to pink and looked away. I chuckled, Leroy shook his head.

“Do you feel any pain?” Neola asked after I got changed.

I just had a brilliant idea.

“Ahh yes,, It’s my back.oww it hurts a lot.” I acted… well not really because it really hurts.

“What can I do?” She asked in panic.

“You can just massage it, here?” I led her hands in my back, boy it was so soft. She slowly moved her hands through my muscles it was so relaxing that I can snooze off.

“I want that too.” I heard Art said to Larissa, she giggled but did as what Art requested.

“You’re cute… and I’m afraid I have to interrupt, you can only have breakfast for 30 minutes and you’ve already wasted 10 now you only have 20 minutes left for eating.” Leroy said.

“What?! This is inhuman, we have 1 hour vacant in school.” Art protested.

“Well let me remind you that… this is not school anymore.”

“You are so cruel.” Art said, but started eating. I started eating as well.

“Now go back to chopping some trunks.” Leroy ordered after we ate.

Art and I hissed we wanted to rest a little bit more, but still did what Leroy said. I didn’t think that he would be strict like this, I thought he was cool. I guess I was wrong.

We continued chopping and lifting some axe and sweating and catching our breaths. What in the world are we doing? This is so exhausting. We have 30 minutes rest in lunch too. I was counting the hours forever. I manage to cut 1 and a half trunk but didn’t manage to fulfill the correct size.

Both Art and I dropped ourselves to only two couches in the living room. Finally Leroy had mercy on us and said the most precious word of the day and probably for the rest of the training, the word “STOP”.

“Are you alright?” Neola asked.   

“mmmm.” Is all that I can say, I’m too tired to say a word.

“Change your clothes first, I heard that having wet shirts can make humans sick.” She said.

 I didn’t respond, I think it would be better if I get sick. Neola left, I thought she was pissed by me not answering her. She came back a little later bringing a shirt.

“Change into this.” She said.

“I’m tires.” I mumbled.

She sighed and she lifted me up in my sitting position with all her strength I guess. I was surprise that she took my shirt off. I watched her but she’s not looking at me, she now put on the new clothes that she brought.

She looked at me after, “I don’t want you to get sick.” She calmly said and kisses me on the forehead.

I was shocked. “Where did you learn how to kiss?” I asked.

“In the T.V, they said you can kiss a person on the forehead when you want to comfort them.” She said.

“Oh, thanks.” I said.

She smiled and walked towards the kitchen. She was concerned about me? That thought was in my mind before I fell into a deep sleep, I can even hear me snoring.

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