CHAPTER 9 : Knowing You

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The library was a great contrast to the noise and life outside, for in its walls were peace and silence.

That's why Eirian always did her homework, essays and whatever else there, where no one would disturb her.

That's where she sat now, finishing the last bit of her charms essay.
It was quite a fascinating topic and handled about the very core and essence of magic.

As she finished it, she put her things in her bag and got up to search the bookshelves.

The essay had brought up many more questions that piqued her interest, one of which she absolutely NEEDED to know IMMEDIATELY :

Can a magical being create a spell and, if so, how?

She grabbed a few dusty books that looked promising and stacked them on each other as she made her way through the row.

She got some on potions, magical objects and artefacts for her business, but strangely, she couldn't find anything on the creation of spells or just spells in general. You would have expected to find something so common in such a large library, but it turned out not.

As she got to the end of the row, she spotted someone familiar sitting by a round table near a window.

His hair was navy- black, and his eyes an icy-blue, almost white.

The sunlight fell onto him elegantly and for some reason, he didn't seem as intimidating as he had before.

The particles drifted soundly in the orange light steaming onto him.

Eirian watched as he followed the words from his book with his slim, lean fingers, whilst resting his other hand on the page.

"How could that guy seem so at peace?" Eirian wondered.

Yes, he was the one she had seen on the train and the one and only leader of the so-called "cult", as she liked to call it. It was he who had given out the orders to the ones who had dueled her- he who had insulted her.

Just as he glanced up at her, she jumped behind the shelf, nearly losing all her books.

She quickly scurried away a few rows down into the other direction.

The section where she was now was a lot darker, she noted.

She slowly made her way through the dark shelves of books, sitting, waiting, in the dark greyish light.

A strange feeling engulfed her. Nostalgia, perhaps? But it was something else... Something she didn't have a word for.

She liked the feeling.

She could smell the scent of old books, long-closed and untouched cupboards, dust...

A few cobwebs were spun here and there and the space seemed like it hadn't been moved an inch in many years.

Her footsteps were all that she could hear and seemed like some strange replay of the past.

The row stopped abruptly and she was a bit surprised to find that the section beyond that point was barred shut.

She shook the beams lightly and it echoed into the distance.

It was locked.

She examined the lock and chains and concluded that a simple "Alohomora." wouldn't do the trick.

Turning, she made her way back to the entrance and adressed the librarian : " Excuse me, Miss. Why don't we have access to that section of the library?" Eirian pointed in the direction where she had come from.

All I've Done - A Harry Potter fanfiction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz