CHAPTER 6 : Conflicts

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Eirian was half-suffocating herself with the amount of dessert she had stuffed in her mouth.

She was sitting alone on the floor at the side of the Great Hall for breakfast, leaning against the wall.

She was deep in thought.
She needed to find a space within Hogwarts where she could operate her business and she aslo needed to find potential clients. Maybe there would be some in Hogsmeade or she could help Madam Pomfrey?

But then a sudden voice interrupted her thinking.


Her head jerked to the side.

"Eirian, why are you sitting here? There are tables, you know."

She looked up to see Pete Harris holding out a hand to her. The others were not with him, but there was a new face.

She took his hand and he pulled her up. "I haven't been sorted yet, remember?"

"Right, well, you can come sit with us - If you want to." he said.

" Thank you."

They lead her to the Gryffindor table and they all sat down.

Seeing as the other boy wasn't going to introduce himself, Eirian did.

"Hello, I'm Eirian Onyx. Who are you?"

He looked up from his food and spoke, " Oh, Tristan Dydrian. First year."

"I'm in first year as well. Guess we'll be seeing a lot of each other." Eirian then turned to Pete, "Where are the others?"

She was referring to the ones she had met through the portrait the other night.

"They are practicing for the upcoming Quidditch match. Finn, Waldon and Matthias also have extra lessons, so they won't be around too often." Pete answered her.

That meant she would also not see much of her slithery friends , she thought in the back of her mind.But her attention was on another topic.

"Quidditch?" asked Eirian, totally lost.

Both Pete and Dydrian lifted their heads to look at her.

A repulsive expression came over Dydrian's face, "How can you not know? It's common sense!"

Eirian stared at him, "I've never heard of it..."

She could feel a very tense atmosphere between her and Dydrian. Something was strange and unlikable about him, but she couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe it was his selfish and arrogant tone? But there was something else...

Pete sensed the tension between them and cut it, " It's a wizarding sport which is played on brooms. It is quite dangerous, but it is commonly played for the thrill. There are balls with which each team of seven must play against each other, to eliminate, catch and score. Basically, the team with the most points, wins. "

The explanation made things clearer, but it didn't really do much for her.

Pete then added," You'll see when we play the game against Slytherin in a few weeks. "

Pete went on eating, but then stopped a moment later,"You said you're in first year, right? How come I've never seen you in class? "

Eirian was about to say something, but then a familiar voice interrupted behind her.

"Onyx!Why are you sitting here?" the voice spat, continuing before she could answer. "You shouldn't associate yourself with these filthy people!"

Eirian turned around to see a scowling Malfoy, along with his goons. He was wearing emrald green robes with a pair of white pants, as well as black gloves and boots. In his hand was a black broom resting on the floor.

All I've Done - A Harry Potter fanfiction Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz