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"Caroline's father. Stefan, can resist the pressure. I don't know how, but he succeeded. Maybe it's possible-" Elena tried to calm Stefan, who after 15 minutes had to feed on Elena.

"Yeah. Maybe it's just mind control, right?" asks Stefan ironically. "Perhaps it takes concentration, a few decades of training." added Stefan.

"Stefan, you can control this. When that phone rings, drink from me." says Elena.

"Elena, it's not that simple. You know Stefan's situation." I add.

"You don't understand. I can't stop, Elena. I'm a ripper, I don't stop. I'm paying attention to what you say and all I hear is the sound of your heart pumping blood in your body. And when that clock stops I'll have to I feed off of you. And you want to know what's the worst? I won't be able to stop." says Stefan out of his mind.

"I don't think so. You can fight. You just have to want it bad enough."

"Stop it Elena. You're already annoying with your psychologist behavior. You don't know what it's like to be a vampire, you have no right to give your opinion." I add getting annoyed.

"And why should I want her so much?" Stefan asks Elena. "Because i love you?"

"Exactly. Because you love me. You will fight because after everything I've been through, you owe me this." says Elena and makes me laugh. "What's so funny, Olivia?"

"Look how it is, dear. You are a human, we are vampires and we can say that we have been through more experiences than you. What do you owe him, huh? He covered you all summer so that you would not be discovered by Klaus and you meanwhile filter with Damon." I say.

Elena doesn't say anything anymore and we all look at the timer which indicates that there are 9 seconds left.

"Elena, please, please, please." says Stefan who looks again at the timer showing 5 seconds." Elena. There is no other way."

"There is, Stefan. You have to fight." before he finishes saying the word, a sound resounds throughout the gym. Time is up.

"Stefan, I love you. Fight, Stefan. Don't give up." says Elena.

"I say run." I say.

"I can not restrain myself." says Stefan and with the speed of a vampire he goes towards Elena, she let out a scream, but he didn't hit her, he overtook her hitting a bar.

"Elena, run! Go!" Stefan shouts and Elena starts to run away.

"Stefan? I know what it's like to have that unpredictable hunger, but you'll regret it if you kill it." I say, but Stefan ignores me and goes after her with the speed of a vampire.

I take out the phone and call Damon.

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Somewhere where you are not. What happened?" Damon asks.

"I'm not in the mood for your jokes. Klaus and Stefan are in Mystic Falls. They brought me and Elena to the gym and forced Stefan to kill Elena. If you don't want your precious treasure to die you better hurry." I say, closing the phone and with the speed of a vampire I go after them.

I enter the dining room and see Stefan sticking something in his stomach and Klaus holding Elena's arm.

"The only thing stronger than bloodlust is your love for this girl. Why don't you stop her?" asks Klaus.

"Not!" answered Stefan immediately.

"Come on. Your humanity is killing you. I think all guilt is exhausted. Stop it!" imposed Klaus.

"Not." answered Stefan.

"You are strong, but you are not that strong." says Klaus as he approaches Stefan. "Turn it off"

"Not!" says Stefan, pushing Klaus. Elena and I were sitting next to each other watching everything that was happening. "Stop it!" cried Klaus, compelling him.

"What you did?" asks Elena looking at Stefan.

"I fix him." Klaus said."But I think a test is needed, right? Ripper." says Klaus, approaching Elena." Maybe you want to drink something...from Elena's neck." says Klaus looking at Stefan, he is ready to attack Elena, I rush to stop him but Klaus with the power of a vampire puts me against the wall.

"Leave her alone." I say while trying to escape Klaus' grip. Stefan pounces on Elena, who falls to the ground.

I woke up in the dining room with Caroline, Klaus, Tyler, Sarah and Klaus' sister.

"We have the verdict. The original witch says that Elena must die." Klaus says.

"Does that mean we can kill her?" Rebekah asks.

"No. It means the opposite. Tyler, Sarah, you have Elena's blood here." says Klaus. "No, no, no, no, Tyler!" Caroline shouted as Rebekah grabbed her hands to keep her from acting.

"Anyway, if you don't drink it you will die. Consider it an experiment." says Klaus while Sarah and Tyler drink Elena's blood. They fall off their feet and I thought they were going to turn into wolves but I saw something I haven't seen before. Klaus' transformation went, his first hybrids succeeded.

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