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I enter high school together with Stefan, we are heading to history when I see Elena with Jeremy in front of the class.

"Stefan!" Elena smiles when she sees him.

"How are you, good?" asks Stefan smiling.

I never thought about their couple, but they look good. I keep thinking about the picture I saw last night...She looks like Elena.

"Olivia? Are you with us?" Elena asks.

"Yes, I am. I was thinking about something... What is it?" I ask.

"Tonight there is a 30's party. Do you want to come?"

"I hate the 30s!" I answer.

And I really hated them. The outfit was hideous and the hair strange.

"It's only one evening. We'll have fun."

"I don't have those clothes"

"And I will help you with that," joins a blonde.

"Hello, I'm Caroline, delighted"

"Hey, Olivia" I say.

"I have an acquaintance who has a bunch of dresses in his attic. If you want, we can go to his place together after class"

"If you say so, we go"

"Is it just me or are you starting to be cute?" Stefan enters the conversation

"Don't take it to your head" I pat him on the shoulder and enter the class, sit down and wait for the teacher to come.

It was quite boring in high school so the classes passed and Caroline took me upstairs to go to that "someone"

"So I want to know everything about you! I feel that we will be good friends" says Caroline

"I have nothing interesting to tell you"

"Come on, really nothing?"


"I heard you were with Damon. I know he's a jerk, I was with him some time ago.

"I wasn't together with him... He told me that he didn't consider it a relationship. For me it was, being the first..."

"He turned you, didn't he?"


"I told you it's rude"

I smiled

"We have arrived"

It was a beautiful, white mansion. We got out of the car and started to climb the steps until we reached the door. Caroline entered, as if she were at her home, and we came across an extremely elegant man.

"Elijah...We were looking for Klaus"

Klaus??Is he that someone!?

"I forgot to do the introductions. She is Olivia and he is Elijah"



Immediately the mysterious man enters the door.

"Love what are you doing here?"

"Firat of all don't call me love and two ,Liv and I need some dresses in the style of the 30s"

"Did you manage to escape from prison Salvatore?"
"It's not a prison, I wanted to move there"

"Olivia come with me and I'll show you what I have"
"Me too? I need it too"

"Honey, I already gave you one"

"It's not on topic, Klaus"

"I do not care"

"How annoying you can be" and turns and goes out the door nervously.

I climb the stairs with Klaus until we reach a staircase leading to the bridge.

"First Ladies"

We entered the attic and I can say that I was shocked. I couldn't call it an attic. It was like a living room, it had a dusty sofa, a sign that no one sat on it very often, it had a huge library and several boxes.

He brings me a box that says 30 s and lets me rummage through it. The things were from back then. I chose a dress and some accessories.

At party

The party is held in the gymnasium of the high school, so it was not that big.

"I can't believe it!! It catches you so well" Caroline accompanies me right from the entrance.

"Look Caroline, I understand, you want to be nice to people, to try to prove that you are not unbearable, as you are told, but don't try it with me!" and I headed towards a table full of punches.

"Quarrel?" asked me the only person on the globe whom I could not have thought of. Jeremy.

"Don't start too!"

"I didn't say anything. Are you having fun?"

"Unbelievably long" I answer ironically.

"Why are you so cold?"

"That's me Jeremy"

"I can't believe you even know my name, evolution"

I glared at him.

"Do you really think Elena will be happy with Stefan?"

"Why are you asking me? She's my sister, she doesn't tell me everything she does. I consider Stefan a good boy." answered Jer

"Don't you have a partner?" I ask.


"Guess what, me neither"

"Do you want to go outside?"

"I thought you left"

"I quit after Vicki died"

"Girlfriend?" I ask
"Yeah...killed her guess who..."

"Amaze Me"

"The Salvatore Brothers"

"And you still consider Stefan a good boy" I start laughin.

"I loved Vicki, but she wouldn't have done it as a vampire"

"I would have said the same about myself"

"What happened?"

"The world thought I was naive. Even I thought so. But I would not have thought that I would have been able to handle the transformation"

"Why did he leave?"

"He never told me..."

"Am I interrupting something?"

"Klaus you know this is a graduation party"

"Exactly, but what are you doing here?"

I smile

"I have to go help Matt, see you later" says Jeremy

"Don't tell me you're fantasizing about little Gilbert"

"Are you sane?"

"I'm just saying, the way he looks at you"

"What are you implying now?"

"Nothing love"

"What about you and Caroline?"I saw how you argued with her.
I asked you something..." I address Klaus.

"Nothing serious"

I didn't say anything, I just watched the students dance and have fun. I don't understand why I came here.

"I think I'm leaving. I have nothing to do and it's boring"

"Do you want to go to the Grill?" asks Klaus.

"Come on. I don't feel like seeing Damon's face anyway"

"You didn't like him?"

"Shut up"

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