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Surprise! update!

~ Human AU ~

"I don't know why we even did this!" Fitz yelled. "I can't handle anything you do because it's always selfish and reckless and you never even cared about me!"

"I do care, Fitz! You're the one who was always focused on football and meeting up with your friends! YOU NEVER MADE TIME FOR ME!" I yelled back.

"That's it! You find someone else. IT'S OVER BETWEEN US!" He screamed and stalked away.

"GOOD!" I ran in the other direction. I ran as far and as fast as my legs would carry me from the lockers. I shoved the bushes aside and ran into the little clearing I always went to when I was ever upset. I have had panic attacks before, but they have disappeared until now. The last time I had one was when my parents died in a car accident and I had to go for adoption. No one wanted me until Grady and Edaline came. They saved my life.

But suddenly, the panic came back. Normally, whenever I had a panic attack, my best friends Biana or Dex would be there. But not today. They were out at their houses because it was a weekend, and on weekends, there was no school at Foxfire Uni. I had decided to stay at my dorm today, and if I hadn't, none of this would have happened.

My breathing started quickening and my heartbeat became faster. My mind was rushing to random things and my hands started shaking while my vision became foggy. The torture (A/N Tay reference!) lasted for half a minute until a voice dragged me out.

"Breathe with me. In, out. In, out." The voice said. "In, out. In, out." I followed the voiced instructions and soon, my vision started to clear so I could see again, and my breathing and heart rate slowed.

"Thanks," I muttered, looking down. I got up quickly but instantly regretted it due to a wave of nausea that came over me.

"Hey," The voice said. "You might want to sit down before you get another wave of nausea."

"How did you—" I asked, confused. I took his advice and sat down.

"My sister has panic attacks sometimes too." He answered. "I help her out because our parents don't care about us."

"Oh. I'm sorry." I responded, looking up at his face for the first time. He had light, ice-blue eyes and artfully messy blond hair that looked like it had a lot of effort put into it, and at the same time, it had no effort put into it whatsoever. There was something extra appealing about it, making him look cute. Wait what? I didn't like him! I didn't even know his name!

"It's Keefe." He said, almost like he read my mind. He reached out with his right hand. I stared at him in shock before snapping out of it.

"Sophie," I responded, taking his hand. "Sophie Foster." He pulled me up and I slowly stood.

"Do you normally come here?" He asked, scratching the back of his head. He looked... nervous? He didn't seem like the type of person to be nervous.

"Yeah," I said with pink cheeks. "Normally when I get panic attacks, my friends Biana and Dex help me come here. Or sometimes I read here."

"That's weird. I also come here a lot." He said, looking off in the distance behind me. "Well, considering how long I've been here. I moved to this college a week ago because my Mom got a job nearby and FORCED me to go here. I come to this place every day."

I glanced at him repeatedly; he looked kinda hot. Wait no! He, uhh... didn't!

"Checking me out, Foster?" He asked, smirking.

"Whatttt? N-no!" I replied a little too quickly. "And that's my last name."

"Yeah, but first names are boring." He grinned, and I gave him a small nudge. I could tell he was nervous about being at this school, but he looked popular. I almost asked him, but instead, another question came out instead.

"Do you want to be friends?" I asked. I instantly regretted it, because he looked surprised. But his smirk came back as he gave me a thumbs up.

"Sure. You're my first friend here," He said, running a hand through his hair. That answered my question. So he was popular. Was. "I had a lot of friends in my old school, Exillum University, but then I had to leave."

He looked around before staring right at me. "Uh, Soph? What happened? Why were you having a panic attack?" I looked at him with eyes wide. "No! I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... just forget it please... forget I asked." he said with shocked eyes.

I threw my arms around him and whispered, "I broke up with my boyfriend."

"Oh–I, I'm sorry." He said, surprised at my sudden action.

"It's okay," I muttered into his ear. "You made me feel much better."

lol that's so cute! 

should i do a part two?

sorry i havnt updated in a while, ive been busy on my other books. 

also, im writing a new collab with @sophiefoster1989  and it's first part releases friday may 3. also im so excited that ttpd came out!

the unraveled 9.5 book cover came out on thursday and it looks so AI!!

5 book cover came out on thursday and it looks so AI!!

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lol   byeeeeeee

sophieswiftie → out!

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c o u n t

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