Chapter 20: Proving oneself

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"Ah, Cassius Scipio, you came."

"Yeah, I'm here." I toss him the letter. It seems like he's been expecting me.

"My soldier here says you came alone. Where are your hundred troops?"

"It says hundred troops or the equivalent. I satisfy the requirements perfectly well."

I was expecting some reaction, but his face is completely frozen in that disinterested look. He still gets up from his chair and begins walking out.

"Come prove it." He orders me.

I follow him back outside of the base. We arrive at a field about 10 minutes away. It would seem he is worried about causing damage nearby. There was an entourage with us, two women, one wearing noble clothes and one wearing armor. There were five men as well, each carrying unique weapons and armor.

I see him face me ready to spar. He leaves his hands down to the side and simply waits for me to come to him. I ready my fists and get into position to leap at him, but he speaks up.

"Cassius Scipio, if you truly wish to prove yourself, draw your blades and fight to kill."

Once again, I experience his grand arrogance. Very well, he asked for it. I draw my blades and charge up lethal magic. If there are witnesses here to prove it was a fair duel, there should be no problems with me killing him.

"Don't blame me when you get killed old bastard."

I leap at him at top speed. I use wind magic which I have gained even better control over recently. I kick my foot into the ground just before him, sliding towards him while I kick up into his chest. I am significantly shorter than him, I have to kick high into the air.

The powerful kick I launched was caught by one of his hands. I was prepared for this, I sent powerful explosion magic out of my foot. He stepped out of the way. I swing my blade at his neck, but he jumps back leisurely.

So far I haven't used any of my most powerful techniques, but it seems like I'll need to. I start by forming sand beneath me, then I form a sandstorm. He just stands within it.

After successfully blocking visibility, I form giant rocks and lift them into the sky. Launching them at him rapidly. I can tell he dodged them, I control the sand of the sandstorm, I can feel him moving because of that.

I use my next most powerful move. I fill the sandstorm with methane gas. Once I'm confident with the contents, I launch an explosive fireball into it. The explosion shook the ground, the sandstorm fell apart with newly formed glass across the ground.

Did I get him? No, to my left!

I raise my guard just in time, but that barely helps. My left arm is shattered, I am thrown across the field. Just in time I managed to catch myself and leap back. I apply healing magic to my arm, but it is still out of commission. I suck at healing magic.

Ok, there is only one move left to do. I drop my blade in my left hand, now holding onto only the silver elven dagger. I cast focus magic as powerful as possible for me. Time begins to move in slow motion.

In the air behind me I shoot a large chunk of metal that I burn as hot as possible, it's magnesium. With the blinding light just behind my back I cast illusion magic. It's very difficult magic, but with the right conditions you can make the target see multiple of you. The logic I don't entirely understand, but it works regardless.

I use wind magic to propel myself faster than I ever could normally, I also use magic to control my bone mechanics. This is my attack, confuse the opponent and move faster than any human normally could.

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