Chapter 18: The Path Decided

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When Octavia returned, she simply said 'I'm sorry for being a burden' then returned to how she normally was. Frankly, I was hoping that she would find the motivation to leave for good. Because I am certain that having me around will only bring pain to her life.

Well, whatever, when she grows up, she'll move on from this. I am sure of it. Until then I'll have to find a way to do as little harm to her as possible.

I became a tier 4 adventurer a year and a half ago at the age of 11 years old. My real age is significantly older than this, but for body development purposes I will call myself 12 years old.

Tier 4 monsters are very difficult to overcome. However, I have only needed to fight two of them so far, there are very few of them in this region. Speaking of the region, my popularity among the people hasn't declined at all.

Livius made no changes to how the region was being run at all. I have also become more and more popular in the military for my work as an adventurer and my success in killing Toutous. There were a lot of doubts that I was the one to actually kill him, but that Ozias guy shut them down immediately for some reason. I don't understand that guy whatsoever.

I planned to use my knowledge of economics to improve the region while Cassius was still alive. This idea was thrown out the window long ago, I don't care about the people of this region anymore. If they suffered, I would lose no sleep, they are Livius' problem now.

My magic has gotten much more potent and is now a viable option from medium range. I have also gotten significantly stronger with my daggers. Before I was only using daggers to defend myself from attack while I tried to land the killing blow from short range magic, but now I stand a serious chance against enemies with my blades.

This is something Aquila warned me about, a trap that magic swordsmen and magic warriors fall into. Becoming simply above average at both of them is quite easy to do. Mastering two things that require a lifetime of effort is impossible for most. I intend to do this though.

I have thought of abandoning one of them and focusing purely on the other, but that won't be good enough. That guy killed Marcus and Claudia with both magic and physical techniques, if I fall behind him at either of them, he will exploit the advantage to the fullest.

Therefore, I am going to have to put in twice the effort of most others at the peak of their craft to reach it. It kind of pisses me off to think about how that man put in the same effort just to kill people. Though, I am doing the same thing as well... no I am different from that man. I know I am.

While I was eating the breakfast that Octavia prepared this morning Fabiana brought me a letter that was sealed by the king. She used to act very warmly around me in her own professional way, but that has changed. She has come to look at me with both cold and pitying eyes. Well, whatever, what she thinks of me doesn't matter.

I broke the seal on the letter and examined the contents. It read,

"Cassius Scipio,

I, King Cleon of the Aeneas Kingdom order you to raise 100 skilled soldiers from your territory. Or you may provide the equivalent in capabilities.

The Aeneas Kingdom has concluded the time for following treaties is over. The people of the kingdom hold high expectations for you in the future. The Arc-Knight of the kingdom, Marcus Scipio was a great man, and you are expected to follow in his footsteps.

If you are incapable or uninterested in fulfilling the duties of raising troops, then Livius Carbo shall do it for you. He is temporary ruler of the region, but you hold the truest authority to perform this task.

Your soldiers are expected within three months, arrive at the fort 2 days north of Ravenna.

King Gaius Rex Cleon"

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