Chapter 14: Using Magic to Kill

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I got my first scar in my last battle; it is on my back and left shoulder. It feels wrong to scar this body. But it is also something that I must do. I trained even harder the days after that battle.

Octavia is no longer Cassius' fiancé, rather she has given up nobility and taken the role of head servant in this estate. Though she is only a servant in name, she is more like a paid friend if anything. She wakes me up, makes me food alongside Theophania, and looks after me when I train. The rest of the time she does as she wishes. Fabiana, the servant that has always been here who I don't pay attention to does most of the tasks in the house, with Theophania helping.

Just a few weeks after my orc fight, a woman entered the estate while I was training. She has white hair, white eyes, and pale skin. Her build is lean, yet very muscular. She wears a black tunic, black pants, and a black cloak. She has two daggers on his person, and a small pack of supplies. Most of all, she has a condescending look on her face, and the eyes of a killer.

"Geez kid, you are doing everything wrong. Looking at you is hurting me as a warrior."

Who does this woman think she is? To come into my house and insult me. What a fucking joke. I turn to her, look her in the eyes and respond.

"Who do you think you are? If you have no business with me then leave. I've got no interest in playing games."

It would be best just to get her out of the estate.

"I'm Aquila, a master in blade and magic. Acquaintance of your father from the war. I came this way because of the rumors of you."

"What rumors?"

"A prodigy with daggers and with magic. Reached tier 5 adventurer at just 10 years old. Then got his ass handed to him by a mere orc." She laughed after saying this.

"If you're here to cause problems just leave. I don't have time for you."

"I'm here to teach you, Cassius. I owed Marcus a debt, I want to see his murderer pay. But if even Marcus fell, there is no way I can best that man. That is when I heard his prodigal son was seeking revenge."

"So what?"

"I will train you into a warrior that can best even the most powerful beings on earth. That is how I will get revenge for him."

"And why should I learn from you?"

This chick is acting like some bigshot. But I learned my foundations from Marcus and Claudia. There is no way she can teach me anything they haven't. She responded with a simple gesture, telling me to come at her. Very well, I have gotten sick of her attitude at this point.

I lift my hand to attack her with magic. But the moment I do I find another hand wrapped around my wrist. I couldn't do anything to defend myself before I was thrown into a tree. I looked up at her, and she hadn't broken a single sweat.

This woman is definitely the real deal. I don't know why, but I could tell beyond a shadow of doubt. She looked down on me and spoke.

"You have talent, and you've got the right mindset. But what you really need is someone who will train you to kill. I can give that to you, in exchange, promise me. Promise me you will kill that man who killed Marcus."

"I don't need to promise that to you. I have already promised it to myself."

"That's good enough."

It was decided that Aquila would be the one training me from now on. We started the training in the study. Normally I would be doing body training while it was morning, but she wanted to spend the entire day going over what I have learned so far.

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