Feeling a rush of affection, I playfully traced his nose, my fingertips barely grazing his skin. Suddenly, his eyes fluttered open, catching me off guard. I blinked in surprise, my eyes widening as our gazes locked.

"You can admire your husband, no one's stopping you," he said with a soft smile, his voice husky with sleep. I couldn't help but laugh at his playful remark.

"Well, if my husband looks this peaceful when he's sleeping, how can I resist?" I teased, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his forehead before pulling back with a grin. He chuckled, pulling me closer into a warm embrace.

As Taehyung's arms wrapped around me, pulling me closer, I couldn't help but chuckle at his persistence. "Let's sleep a little more," he murmured, his voice pleading, but I shook my head, amusement bubbling up inside me.

"We can't afford to be late," I insisted, gently pushing him away as I swung my legs over the edge of the bed. Taehyung pouted, giving me his best puppy-dog eyes, and I felt a soft coo of affection welling up inside me.

"It can be a little late, you know I own the company," he said, his tone half-joking but also earnest. I sighed, torn between his adorable antics and the work. But I couldn't let him distract me this time.

"Get up," I coaxed, my voice gentle but firm as I stood and began to get ready for the day. Taehyung reached out, grasping my wrist gently, and I felt a flutter in my heart at his touch. But I knew I had to stay strong this time.

Internally, I couldn't help but coo at his behavior, marveling at how he always managed to tug at my heartstrings with his charm. But as much as I adored him, I couldn't let him distract me from our responsibilities. 

"You're so harsh!" Taehyung exclaimed, sitting up on the bed and running his hand through his tousled hair, somehow managing to look effortlessly cute in the process. I couldn't help but feel my cheeks flush at the sight, my mind drifting to his charming duality.

"Yazia, you're in too deep now, there's no saving you," he teased, flashing me a playful grin that only made him more endearing. I couldn't help but wonder how this man, with his playful antics and irresistible charm, could be the same person I knew just yesterday.

"Is he the same man he was yesterday?" I mumbled to myself, but Taehyung's sharp ears caught my words. "You said something?" he asked, looking up at me with a curious expression. I shook my head quickly, dismissing my thoughts with a smile.

"I'll get ready," I said, my voice slightly breathless as I hurried off to the bathroom, grabbing my clothes in a rush. As I stood in front of the mirror, hastily getting dressed, I couldn't help but reflect on the whirlwind of emotions Taehyung stirred within me.

Despite my best efforts to resist him, to push him away, I found myself falling more deeply in love with him with each passing minute. 

It was both maddening and exhilarating, this inexplicable pull he had over me, and try as I might, I couldn't deny the warmth that spread through me whenever he was near, and it scared me sometimes.



After a leisurely breakfast together, Yazia and Taehyung reluctantly began to prepare for their respective workdays. The morning sunlight streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the room as they moved about, gathering their belongings. 

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