18. Rune's POV: Rescue Mission

Start from the beginning

"We need a plan," Vigdis asserts sternly, pushing her food and wine aside without partaking.

"What plan? We go in and kill them all," I stubbornly declare. "It's three against three, and we are the superior fighters."

"That arrogance will be your downfall someday," she snaps back at me.

"Vigdis is right. Vidkunn and his nephews are skilled warriors as well. Underestimating them would be foolish, especially in a battle," Kolbjorn agrees with my mother, and I release a frustrated sigh. Every moment we spend debating here, my sister could be enduring unimaginable horrors.

"We don't have time for this," I argue, running my hand through my hair and suppressing the urge to punch something. "Asta needs our help, now!"

"Don't you think I know that, gutt?" Vigdis snaps at me, using the Norwegian term for "boy," and suddenly, I feel small. She hasn't called me that in years. "Asta is my only daughter! I carried her, gave birth to her, nursed her from my own breast! Just as I did with you, Harold, and Remi! I'll be damn if I lose another child!"

I am immediately overcome with guilt. Asta has always been my mother's favorite child, although she would never admit it. If it were up to her, she would have had all girls who stayed home and learned the art of healing. Don't get me wrong, my mother is a formidable warrior, especially in her youth, and she still trains with Asta and Remi regularly since Ubbe's passing, but her true talent lies in healing.

"Alright, fine. What's the plan?" I finally ask, surrendering to the need for a strategy.

"I'm thinking one of us should set fire to their food supply. While they're preoccupied with saving their provisions, we can silently take them out one by one," she explains to both of us. Kolbjorn nods, lost in deep thought.

"You two are stronger and faster than me, so I'll be the one to start the fire," she continues. "You two focus on swiftly killing them and rescuing Asta. I'll be waiting with the horses."

We both agree with her plan, finish our meals, and mount our horses once again. We ride the remaining distance to Vidkunn's farm, arriving under the cover of night. Taking refuge in the woods adjacent to the farm, we go over the plan once more. My mother takes the lead, darting towards the large wooden storage tower where their grain is kept, disappearing behind it. Kolbjorn and I position ourselves on either side of the main hut, concealed within the shadows, waiting for the fire to ignite.

The flames ignite within moments, and we witness Vigdis sprinting back into the depths of the forest. We don't have to wait long before the sound of men's panicked voices echoes from within the hut. The door swings open, and two figures, Vidkunn and Solvi, bolt out, the door slamming shut behind them. Blann, presumably still inside with Asta, is the smallest of the three, making it easy for Kolbjorn and me to overpower him when we finish out here. Silently, we creep up behind Vidkunn and Solvi, their backs turned to us. Without hesitation, we plunge our daggers into their sides. I drive my blade deep into Vidkunn before throwing him towards the ground. Solvi, on the other hand, appears to have died instantly, lying in the dirt and snow, blood seeping from his wounds. However, blood gurgles from Vidkunn's mouth as he manages to utter, "It won't change anything. I had my revenge on that pretty little sister of yours, multiple times."

Before he can say another word, I swiftly slit his throat and rush into the cabin, disregarding the possibility of Blann launching an attack. Nothing could have prepared me for the horrific sight that awaited me, causing me to halt and retch near the entrance. Asta lies unconscious on the ground, her body sprawled in the dirt, most of her garments torn to shreds. Her face and the rest of her body bear the marks of brutal beatings. Blood stains her hands, arms, face, and thighs, urging me to avert my gaze to spare myself from seeing her exposed breasts. Blann emerges from the bedroom, standing in the doorway, his eyes wide with fear. Good. He should be afraid.

"Kol, take Asta away from here, now. I'll handle him," I growl through clenched teeth, my voice laced witht hreat, my gaze fixated on Blann, who still struggles to find his voice.

Without hesitation, Kolbjorn approaches Asta, kneeling beside her and swiftly removing his robe. Tenderly, he wraps it around her half-naked, broken form, carefully cradling her in his arms. She groans in pain but remains unconscious as he exits the hut with her.

With my sword pointed directly at Blann, he instinctively raises his hands in a defensive gesture. He doesn't even attempt to reach for his own weapon. "I never thought they would hurt her! I swear, I never laid a hand on her. It was only Solvi and Vidkunn!"

I keep my sword raised, not yet lowering it nor delivering a fatal blow. Solvi and Vidkunn both violated my sister, and a part of me wished I had made them suffer more. But my primary concern was getting Asta to safety and far away from here.

"Please believe me, Rune. You know me! I couldn't condone something like this! I had planned to bring her back to your farm tonight, once they were asleep!"

"But you didn't do anything to stop it," I manage to utter, my grip on the sword hilt so tight it feels as though it might shatter.

"I wanted to! You know how my brother and uncle are! They were consumed by rage when they discovered Haklang's fate. There was nothing I could do to prevent it!" Blann's entire body trembles in fear, mirroring the fear Asta must have experienced during the assault. Something inside me snaps, and without a second thought, I swiftly slash his throat with my sword before walking out of the hut.

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