Chapter 68

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Karishma ( POV)

I woke up late and still I am very tired. I am alone in my bed , Adi left for his walk ? Isn't he tired or anything?

It's Monday, school day...I missed the little ones going school. They will be so upset about it.

" Good morning" Adi's voice broke my thought process. I looked at him. He walked in with a tray of food in his hand.

" Morning" I replied, he is already ready for the day. " Have the kids left for school? " I asked him. He placed the food tray in my bed and sat beside me.

" It's almost time for some of them to get back. Gungun will be back soon. And Arav is playing with sam. " Said Aditya, is it that late ?

" Why didn't you wake me up ? " I asked him. " You were tired I didn't want to wake you....and here I bought some flowers for you. " he said and handed me some roses.

" Thank you. " I told him and gave him a tiny kiss. I am starving, So I started to eat as soon as possible. I still have nothing on but it's ok food comes first .

" I really do have a meeting or I would have stayed here with you. It's little important. " he said and I can understand even I have work today.

" It's okay , I understand. Have a good day. " I wished him. He gave me a kiss and left. Our room is a mess and I have to clean it. But as I look at the messy room.

And remember what happened here last night , that blush crept in my cheeks. His eyes were on me and I could think was that song ' dekhhti hain jis tarah se teri nazare mujhe mein khud ko chupau kaha ' . 

I pulled the sheets over my head out of's wet. We got out of the tub and came straight to bed , so the sheets got wet , have to wash them myself or what the servants will think ? God help.

2 Hours later

Finally everything is done . The bathroom was clean which I think Aditya did. Bed sheets and other things I seperated . Kept the wet ones for wash and put dry ones on the bed.

Took a shower and wore some fresh dress. Snow brought in some Arav's dresses and I started folding them and at that time I heard a voice " Mummy" my little girl is back.

Gungun came running in my room. She is still in her uniform. I took her in my lap. " I missed you baby. " I told her giving her a kiss.

" I missed you too mummy. " She said and gave me a little kiss. " Go change and mummy will make you some tasty snacks." I told her , at the same time Aditya walked in.

He got back home. " Forgot to take my file. " he said understanding my question and I just nodded. I placed  gungun down and started folding the clothes.

" Mumma did  Susu in bed ..why the bedsheets are on the floor looks
wet. " asked Gungun as I was folding some dry clothes.

" It's okay even if I sometimes do susu in bed...don't be ashamed. It's alright " Said my little daughter. Aditya laughing in the corner. The person who literally brought me here while being wet like a bat.

" No ...mummy was clumsy and the water jug fell on it. " I told her. And she nodded. Thank God it's easy to distract a child .

" I see ...okay I will go change now. " she said and left the room. " I got my file so I am leaving...and yes , it's alright nothing to be ashamed of. "he said and I gave him a hard stare and he left the room.

I quickly did my work and went to meet with my mother in law...have to talk with her about something very important. As I was crossing the hall I stood for a second cause ...Adi is home.

I went in the hall and saw adi sitting on the bean bag doing something on his laptop and Sam sitting on the floor with a book in his hand. The book is very huge.

Sam slowly leaned back , Aditya didn't move or stopped working. He just let sam lean on him , Aditya's left hand is around him , holding him . Sam's back is towards Aditya , so he is just taking his support to sit comfortably.  sam just lied their closing his eyes.

" Don't you have a meeting? " I asked Aditya. None of them moved looking at me. Aditya said " I was ...than sam said he isn't feeling well . So I thought to stay home and do a video conference. " he said still working on his laptop.

" While holding him like that ? " I asked him . " It's fine , he is having a headache...." Said Aditya and gave sam a little kiss on his hairs . Should I call Sahara and say that her boyfriend is cheating on her.

" Well , I will give you both some privacy. " I told them . " And for the record that's my bestfriend..." I said pointing towards sam. " My best friend.. " I just reminded him.

Sam opened his eyes and smiled at me. " Was...past my best friend. " Said Aditya to me. " Excuse me...that's a big lie. He is my best friend... that's not going to change. " I told Aditya. Best friend is something which we don't share.

" Guys don't fight...." Said samrat , but his smile says he is loving it. " I am I am her best friend." Said samrat clearing the confusion.

" What about me ? " asked Aditya angrily, was about to push him away from him. " Tu tuh Jaan Hain re . " Said samrat and he has successfully saved the day.

" Have fun..." I told them and let them be. Those boys will not change but I have to work on my plan. My wish to bring the whole family together. I am so close and I will surely do it. I am very hopeful.

Transmigrated as mother of four ( Continue) Where stories live. Discover now