Chapter 16:

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As the sixty ninth hunger games aprached Rosewyn found herself spending more and more time with arthur and the other gamemakers. Although she wasnt very fond of many of them she still managed to make the best of her situation whenever arthur was around. There was something about him that felt different then the rest. There was a humility he excuded and compassion behind his eyes. IT didnt match the persona each gamemaker should have.

"Miss Snow" Benedict called from across the room, "What do you think of this years arena?" Rosewyn regarded the man her chin held high and an air of superiority hanging over her.

"I think the concept is interesting" She hummed staring down at the maze like arena, "It will be fascinating to see how the tributes will handle it" there was a caertain coldness in her tone that arthur knew well. He used it often. The tone of someone who despised the creation they praised.

"I think it all but guarantees a winner from one of the career districts" Arthur commented noticing the lack of survival skills necessary for this particular arena.

"Exactly" Benedict stated proudly smiling down at his creation. The hologram below flickered the maze seeming more like a mouse trap then a place in which twentythree kids will die.

"We won't know for sure until after the reaping" Rosewyn breathed out not making eyecontact with either men, "The districts can always surprise you" The room fell silent at the girls words each pair of eyes turning to slowly fall on her.

"That's true lets not forget about Finnick" Arthur finally broke the silence managing to cover the girls slightly treasones words. A round of laughter broke around the room but Rosewyns face remained stoic not realizing the trouble her words could have caused.

"Miss Snow" Arthur called setting a hand on the younger girls shoulder, "Can I speak to you please in private" Rosewyn tensed. ALthough she'd grown fond of the man she knew as well as anyone that monsters hide in plain sight.

"Of course" Rosewyn nodded following the older man out into the hallway.

"You seem to have quite a bit of compassion for the districts" Arthur stated hands rested in the pockets of his purple pinstriped pants.

"I'm sorry i don't understand what you mean" Rosewyn replied shoulders tense but face remaining impassive.

"I think you and I are alike" Arthur whispers stepping towards the girl. Rosewyn refuses to move her feet head held high trying not to show the fear that was coursing through her veins.

"In what way" Rosewyn responds tone unwavering despite the man towering over her.

"I think we both beileve in a better Panem" Arthur whispers looking down into the girls eyes. He knew this position was hardly appropriate being so close to the younger girl but the fear of being overheard outweighed the fear of being judged for any 'advances' he was caught making.

"A better Panem?" Rosewyn hisses out brows furrowing in confusion and agitation at the man she regarded as a friend. Arthur dragged his palm over his face with a puff. He had hoped that this conversation would be easier but with so much on the line neither wanted to be the first to speak out against President Snow.

"One without certain traditions" Arthur breathed out eyes begging for the girl to understand him.

"Are you talking about getting rid of the games" She whispered back looking down each side of the hallway in fear of what could come next.

"I'm talking about restructuring the whole system" Arthur confirmed much to Rosewyns surprise.

"How?" She breathed out eyes wide at the mere prospect of saving panem from it's current state.

"The first thing you need to do is never talk negatively about the capitol or the games." Arthur spat out, "Never compliment the districts" The girl nodded.

"How will that help?"

"It will help by making sure your kept alive long enough for you to do anything about it" Arthur stated glancing over his shoulder. Paranoia began to set into the pair as their conversation ended both glancing around.

"So just play my part and stay alive" Rosewyn questioned the man who nodded in return.

"We should get back to the meeting before they start to think my intentions for bringing you out here were inappropriate" Arthur stated placing a hand on the girls bath.

"No one would think that arthur" Rosewyn laughed lightly. Arthur stopped turning to look at the beautiful girl.

"I hear the way these men talk about you when you leave the room" He stated looking into the girls frightened eyes, "It's the same way you've heard people speak about Odair"

Rosewyns stomach dropped her face turning green as the memories of crude comments that were thrown towards Finnick. Never in her life would she imagine that she would be the subject of those comments especially as the future president.

Walking back into the room she almost longed for the ignorance she had before. She noticed how the mens gazes traveled over her legs and chest examining her with keen eyes.

"I should be going my stylist has her work cut out for her before the airing of the reaping" Rosewyn smiled at the men as her skin crawled.

"Of course" Benedict smiled eyes finally looking to her eyes and nodding at the girl. 

Authors Note:

Another short chapter but at least I updated. I'll try to make the next one longer. 

Also who thought that Arthur  was going to be one of the good guys?

What do you think of  Rosewyn being objectified as well?

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 27 ⏰

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