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Annalise Armani sat in a plush room with her husband Theodore, waiting for their daughter to finish the aptitude and IQ tests her teachers had recommended. The couple was young, just starting their family; they had two beautiful children, Myla and Xavier. Xavier was barely a year old now, and he tended to cry, so the couple had left him in the care of the avvoxes that worked in their manor. Myla, on the other hand, seemed to be the perfect child. She was kind, well-mannered, and extremely bright. It came as no surprise to Annalise when she was told that Myla was to be tested at a higher level.

Myla Armani sat in the Capitols testing center, waiting for her next round of tasks to be assigned. The young brunette sat swinging her legs as her feet couldn't yet reach the ground; Myla wasn't sure how long she had been seated at the table with nothing to do but follow the direction of the Proctor. Her little brain was starting to get antsy, and she wanted to see her mother.

After what seemed like hours, an older man dressed in a crisp white suit walked in. "Myla, I'm Dr. Becket," The man introduced, coming to a stop in front of the smiling young girl.

"Hello," She chirped, a bright smile gracing her features.

"Do you know why you are here?" Dr. Becket asked, leaning against the desk across from her. The girl's dark eyebrows furrowed curiously, her head tilting, causing her pigtails to sway with her movement.

"I'm here to test my intelligence." Myla wasn't sure why this doctor would ask such a silly question. The answer is obvious, she thought to herself inwardly, rolling her eyes. She knew better than to disrespect the man before her; he was important.

"That is correct," Dr. Becket began pushing himself up to stand straight once again, "do you know why we wanted to test your intelligence?" for this, Myla had no answer, so she simply shook her head.

"As you know, President Snow is aging, and before his death, he must choose a successor. I was sent here to see if you were the right fit." The man moved closer, leaning over the young girl, "Would you like to be president one day?"

Myla couldn't hide her excitement. Her eyes widened, and a huge smile spread across her lips. Dr. Becket returned the girl's smile, sticking out his hand to lead her back to where her parents sat patiently waiting.

"Mama," Myla cheered, throwing herself onto the periwinkle clad woman.

"Hello, angel," Annalise replied, wrapping her arm around her smaller self and kissing her forehead.

"Mr. and Mrs. Amari," Dr. Becket began, nodding at the couple, "I have some very exciting news." The couple sat eagerly awaiting what the intelligent man in front of them would say.

"Your daughter has some of the highest scores we've ever seen here, and it is my honor to tell you that President Snow has decided to personally tutor Myla to become the future President of Panem." The couple's jaws dropped, not knowing how to react to the doctor stood before them.

"This is amazing," Theodore beamed, looking down at his daughter, "We're truly grateful that she's given such a wonderful opportunity." Annalise smiled down at her daughter, tears stinging the dark doe eyes they both shared.

"There is one condition to the position in which you find yourselves." the Amari couple held their breaths, waiting for the other shoe to drop, "You will not be able to speak with your daughter as she is trained."

The silence in the room is suffocating as Myla's parents decide her fate. Not knowing that when they agree to the terms, they decide their own as well.

Myla is ripped away from her mother's embrace by peacekeepers, her small arms and legs kick and flail, trying everything in her power to escape back to her family. Sobs rip from her throat as she experiences a pain that no child should ever feel. Myla fights to exhaustion, her eyes growing heavy and limbs growing weak as she's dragged into a car and taken to the president's mansion.

She awakes in an unfamiliar place, luxury that diminishes even her capitol upbringing surrounds her. Her eyes sting with tears as she opens her door, hoping to find her mother waiting outside. Instead, She's greeted by peacekeepers who grab each of her frail arms, leading her down the hallway.

"Get off of me," Myla yells, beginning to fight against the two grown men that push her into another room.

"Now, now, Myla," A voice rings out, silencing the shaking girl. Her gaze snapped to the man in front of her, white hair styled and a crisp suit perfectly tailored to his shoulders.

"President Snow," The young girl squeaks out, large brown eyes widening to saucers as she takes in the powerful man before her. Her small form trembles, and goosebumps cover her fair skin.

"We have so much to discuss," The older man states, gesturing for the peacekeepers to leave, "Please sit down."

The girl does as she says, feet swinging in anxiety and hands wringing in her lap. "Am I really going to be president?" The young girl whispers as if speaking too loud will cause the peacekeepers to rush back in.

"You shall if you succeed in your studies," Snow nods. Myla nods in return she'd done well in school the past two years she'd been able to go.

"I'll be just like you." Myla smiled, her little smile matched by the snake sitting across from her.

"You shall continue the legacy of Panem just as I have." He nods at the child before him, "But you won't continue it as Myra Amari." The young girl scrunches her eyebrows in confusion, emotions still coursing through the child's mind. Swirling in a storm that seems to cloud her vision.

"What do you mean?" She asks, trying to remain polite to the man she has always been taught to respect in the highest regard.

"From this point forward, Panem shall know you not as Myla Amari but as Rosewyn Snow, the future of Panem."

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