Chapter 13:

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When Finnick had been told that Rosewyn Snow had requested his services he was ashamed to admit that he was surprised. He had convinced himself that the capital's queen was different from the rest, an angel in hell. But it seemed like he was wrong the girl was just like the rest. He couldn't help but ponder her reaction the first night they spent together she had looked so small and scared. He had seen himself in her but now he knew that they were nothing alike he would never objectify another human like this. He would never just order them to appear for his own amusement. It was disgusting.

He shouldn't have expected anything differently from the girl who had been raised by president Snow, the same man who had put him in this position. He was driven to the mansion through a service entrance not the front gates, only solidifying the notion that he was less than.

After his arrival he was quickly assured to the rose garden a place he usually tended to avoid as the suffocating aroma of white roses reminded him of the day that president snow had threatened him.

Rosewyn was sitting surrounded by her treasured patch of red roses. The color popping against Snow's stark white bushes that littered the rest of the ground. She awaited the youngest victor. A smile spread across her face as Finnick was escorted towards her. The avoxx that had led him to her left after a nod from the future president dismissed him.

"Finnick" Rosewyn smiled, her eyes shining as she greeted the boy, "It's nice to see you again." Finnick couldn't help the wave of nausea that hit him as he returned the girl's smile, his charming features refusing to shape into the grimace that matched his true emotions.

"Please the pleasure is all mine" the words rolled off his tongue, sweet and seductive. Rosewyn couldn't help the shiver that rolled up her spine, fear suddenly creeping over her. She glanced up at the window seeing the president watching the pair interact. She nodded slightly up at the older man who returned the gesture before turning to go back to his work.

"I hope you don't have the wrong idea" Rosewyn began turning away from the handsome boy and forcing her hands into fists forcing herself not to wring her fingers together.

"Of course not," Finnick commented, taking a step closer to the girl, his chest now pressing against the girl's back. Finnick knew why he was here; it was the same reason he'd visited countless women. This was just Rosewyns way of forcing him back into his place. He was from the district's practically dirt beneath her feet.

"Finnick stop" She started harshly whipping around and placing a hand on the boy's chest. Finnick reeled back slightly taken aback by the girl's actions, "I don't want your services" She hissed out her voice dropping to a whisper as she glanced around the garden worried that someone was listening into their conversation.

Finnick couldn't help but let his mask fall, eyebrows furrowing as he stared down at the brunette. "Then why am I here?" He finally bit out, almost afraid for her reply. Nothing about Rosewyn Snow made any sense.

"I didn't know how else to help" She explained cheeks turning as red as the roses that surrounded them, "I figured at least if i requested you, you might be able to have a small break."

Finnick didn't know how to reply. His mouth opening and closing but no words coming out. He had thought the worst of the girl when she had requested him just as many others had before.

"This was ridiculous" Rosewyn muttered shaking her head at her actions in disappointment, "I'm sorry"

"Thank you" Finnick muttered, eyes glistening in the light of the setting sun. The pair stood in silence for a long while absorbing the words that had been said and the understanding that had passed through the air.

"Lets go inside" Rosewyn finally let out, breaking the silence.


Now that Rosewyn had Finnick Odair sitting across from her in her bedroom she wasn't quite sure what to do. She watched the boy as his eyes scanned her room taking it in more thoroughly now that there was no pressure of other activities needing to take place. Finnick had sat on the lounge next to her vanity, a wall of books behind him.

"Let me know if you need anything and I'll send the avoxes for it" She offered, trying to distract Finnick and ease the vulnerability that came with him assessing her bedroom.

"Okay" came his meek reply but his eyes still wandered.

"What would you like to do?" She asked him, trying to keep her tone light as her insecurities clawed at her. Finnicks head snapped to her at the question and Rosewyn realized she preferred him steadying her bedroom then herself.

"What would I like to do?" Finnick questioned, sea green eyes widening at the girl's question. Rosewyn simply shrugged wondering why the boy seemed so surprised. She knew that he'd been subjected to horrific things but her mind couldn't truly wrap around how powerless the boy was. Barely eighteen and he had been through a lifetime's worth of trauma. Similar to Rosewyn herself no one else could understand what he had gone through.

"Anything" She prompted, nodding at the boy causing a smirk to overtake his face.

"Do you have a deck of cards?" the girl quirked her head at the request but retrieved the item. Finnick had sunk down to the plushly carpeted floor crossing his legs.

"What are we going to play?" Rosewyn asked with a small laugh as she joined him.

"Have you ever played go fish?" His smile was huge. The same childlike innocence that had been torn from him so long ago becoming once again present on his face. Rosewyn couldn't help but allow her own bright grin to escape. The pair spent their night playing cards and laughing together both enjoying the simpleness of each others company.

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