Chapter 4:

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Rosewyn had spent the last few days dividing her time between her studies and the training center, learning the inner workings of the games. She had kept a watchful eye on Finnick Odair the boy from district four and with each passing day her confidence in the boy grew. However she was far from at ease. Rosewyn knew the arena was unpredictable and the most skilled tribute didn't always become the victor.

    Today was important to both Rosewyn and Finnick, today was the tribute's solo evaluations. A time for each tribute to highlight a skill that would allow them to win their games. Rosewyn waited anxiously, using all her self control to keep her fingers from wringing in her lap. If Finnick didn't score well today there would be consequences.

    Rosewyn was perched at the edge of her seat as the gamemakers moved about around her. Her attention was focused on the metal doors which led to the room the twenty four tributes were waiting in. She wasn't sure how much longer she could wait.

    "I'm interested to see how the tribute that's caught your interest will fare today" Arthur stated sitting beside the chocolate haired girl. The beard he'd had only the previous day was now shaven down into a mustache that resembled something out of a history book.

    "That makes two of us," She replied, smiling at the pleasant man seated next to her.

    "From what we've witnessed so far I'd say our bets are aligned" The man says, raising his glass at his country's future leader. Rosewyn had spent the last three days with the gamemakers and Arthur had quickly become her favorite. Arthur had quickly caught her attention as he seemed to be one of the only gamemakers who cared more about the tributes than the food.

    Rosewyn and Arthur continued to make light conversation about the games when the first tribute came into the observation room. The boy from district 1, Lux, immediately went over to the weapons rack filled with spears. This wasn't a surprise to anyone as the boy had been practicing with the weapon for the duration of training. Rosewyn found his display rather boring having seen it before. She stood walking over to grab herself a glass of the strawberry flavored water from a nearby table.

    Eventually the next tribute came through the girl from district 1, Aria, she grabbed a short sword and although she wielded it well it was not as impressive as other tributes from previous games. Rosewyn didn't like the girl. There was something about the way that she held herself that bothered Rosewyn. She couldn't help but hope that the girl wouldn't make it very far.

    The two tributes from District two came through both just as dangerous as the other. The boy Magnus scared Rosewyn the glint in his eye causing a shiver to run down her spine. He was absolutely deadly with his machete, having it slice easily through the targets. The girl from his district was just as intimidating as she picked up a belt of knives. Rosewyn liked the fire in her eyes, she knew that if it wasn't for Finnick she would be rooting for this girl to win.

    She felt like she was going to explode as she watched the tributes from district three. Her breath felt almost nonexistent and she tensley sat. She couldn't remember a time she'd been this nervous since she first moved into the president's mansion. She clenched her hands into fist at her sides doing everything in her power to keep from wringing her fingers together. Arthur glanced at the girl, noticing her unease.

    "I've heard the boy is talented with a trident" Arthur leaned toward the girl whispering. Rosewyns head whipped towards the man startled by his voice but doing her best to hide it. Arthurs words were intended to comfort the girl and well they helped somewhat they mostly caused confusion.

    "Where did you hear that?" Rosewyn whispered back, perfectly shaped brows furrowing.

    "Don't tell anyone" He began glancing around the two at the already drunk men around them, "But his mentor and I are good friends" a large smile spread on his face.

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