Chapter 12:

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Rosewyn's vision had blurred. Her world once so clearly black and white was now nothing but ominous strokes of gray. Some part within her didn't want to accept the fact that president snow had done this. The little girl who was ecstatic at the prosthetic of becoming president wanted to believe that he was just doing what he thought was right.

She sat across from the table from the man who had raised her. Her chin held high knowing she couldn't show any sign of weakness. "Did you enjoy your time with Mr. Odair" Corolanius inquires glancing up from his dinner plate.

"I can't lie and say Mr. Odair's company was unpleasant" Rosewyn states calmly a false smile gracing her face. President Snow's chuckle echoes throughout the room as the man flashes a proud smile at the girl.

"As I've always told you my sweet rose" He begins, attention now focused th seventeen year old in front him, "The capital is the beating heart of this country. The districts and all those from within are simply there to serve." Rosewyn nodded along with the many years of hiding her true feelings being put to use.

"Speaking of services" Rosewyn continued gingerly, her hands itching to come together in her lap in order to ring her fingers together. "I was hoping to implore Mr. Odairs once more"

"You seemed reluctant to use his services last night." His eyebrows raise in suspicion causing Rosewyns breath to cease "What's changed?"

"I've had a revelation" She replied tone even as she continued eating.

"Please do share" A wicked smile passed upon his wrinkled face and his arm swept across the table inviting the girl to elaborate.

"As you've always told me image is important" She responds no emotion passing through her features, "I considered my options and i believe that emploring Mr. Odairs talents would be beneficial moving forward"

"How so?" He asked curiously.

"It would allow me to focus completely on my studying while being able to experience the importance of human relations in privacy" She persuades trying her best to appear almost reluctant at the thought.

"It could indeed be a learning experience" He drawls leaning back to study the girl. The two stare at each other both refusing to be the first person to break the intense match.

"He's a means to an end just like you've taught me" She finally says, breaking the stifling silence that had settled over them.

"Of course" He agrees, pursing his lips. Rosewyn had no intention of using finnicks 'services but she figured if he was with her at least he wouldn't be being used by anyone else.

"I assume you'll have something arranged as you did before" She bites out a strange ferocity in her voice she'd never used with the man before. Coriolanus tilts his head trying to read the girl he'd spent years teaching to hide behind a mask.

"If that's what you wish" He complies.

"It is" Rosewyn stands smiling again at the president before excusing herself to her bedroom.


Her sheets had been washed and her room cleaned but she couldn't help but avoid the bed lingering at her window. She stared up at the sky stars glittering overhead. Her mother used to always tell her that no matter how far apart they were they'd always be under the same stars.

Rosewyn couldn't help but feel like her mother wouldn't be able to recognize her anymore. Annalise Armani had been a kind woman, she'd always wanted the best for her children. Rosewyn didn't have many memories of her life before she was taken to the president's mansion; the voices faded and the faces blurred. But she liked to think that she looked like her mother.

She couldn't help but think of her baby brother Xavier and how he might have changed. She couldn't remember how old he would be now or what color his eyes had been but she'd remember the feeling of joy and pride she felt each time she was around him.

A soft smile graced her face and a tear rolled down her pale cheek. Rosewyn would help Finnick, become president, and see her family again. She had to.


Finnick was dressing himself after a session with one of his rougher clients. His back covered in nail marks he would have to tend to when he returned home. He was glad that it was over. He couldn't remember the last night that he'd been able to spend alone. He was constantly whisked away to different parties or private meetings.

Last night was different. Rosewyn had apologized to him. No one had ever apologized to him before, not like she had. He had assumed that she would be the same as every other woman he'd slept with in the capital but she'd confused him. He'd pitied her something he'd never thought would happen. She was the future president, someone with absolute privilege yet she seemed so trapped.

Even as he left the older woman's house he'd been with that night his mind remained on the girl he'd met during his games. Rosewyn Snow was going to be his lifeline and Finnick was completely unaware.

Author's Note:

Heyyyyyy so I'm finally updating.  It took me a while but here we are.  Let me know what you think I would love to hear it. 

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