Chapter 2:

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The night of the reaping left Rosewyn restless, she tossed and turned in her bed trying to catch the sleep that was so obviously trying to evade her. She could feel the tension in her shoulders and neck causing a shooting pain in her temples. The 65th hunger games would not be enjoyable for her. The entertainment she usually enjoyed from watching the events unfold in the arena was replaced with apprehension.

Rosewyn prepared for the worst as she walked downstairs to join the president at his dining table. Breakfast was sprawled across the dark oak table, different capitol delights spread across. Rosewyn sat down elagantly, legs crossing beneath her. Her long chocolate hair was curled and fell in waves over her powder blue blazer. They ate in silence as Rosewyn attempted to find her courage.

"I was wondering," Rosewyn cutting herself off as if thinking better of her words

"Yes, My rose?" President Snow acknowledged looking up from his plate at the child in front of him.

"I was wondering if it would be possible for me to experience this years games from the eyes of the gamemakers" her voice was light but her hands shook as she waited for his reply. Coriolanus took a moment mulling over the suggestion while she waited with baited breath.

"I think that would be beneficial to your education" he finally replied nodding his head at the now smiling girl.

"Thank you President Snow" She breathed out the smile on her face widening slightly.

"I do hope you understand the importance of what your learning Rosewyn," Snow stated setting down his cutlery, "It would be a shame if all these lessons were to go to waste" Rosewyns smile immediately falls from her face at his words.

"Of course I understand" she defends her face soft as her cheeks heat with embarrassment, "The games are a pivotel piece to our culture in Panem and im simply trying to better understand them"

"As long as this has nothing to do with your silly theory about the boy from the fishing district" He states dismissing her statement.

"I'm just hoping to be able to have a more practical understanding of everything it takes for the games to take place" She replies with a nod.

"Please let her tutors know that Ms. Snow will be missing her lessons and Have the guards prepared to take her to the tribute center tomorrow morning." Snow orders his assistant who stands in the corner of the room, "You'll need to get ready for the tribute parade in a few hours until then work on your studies" His voice is firm leaving no room for the young girl to argue. It wasnt as if either of them were expecting her to anyways.

"Of course" She spoke before finishing the rest of the meal in silence.


When Sona arrived at the young girls room she was curled up by the window reading about the history of the hunger games and their creation. The girl was so engrossed in her studies she hardly looked up when the door was opened.

"Darling how are you" Sona calls out into the room, her large ruffled dress draging on the floor behind her. The womans lips are stained purple and a different wig adorns her head this time lavender coils spiral around her face.

"Better now that your here" Rosewyn smiles setting down her book with care.

"Your going to absolutely love what I've created for you this time" Sona chirps out while her assistant sets up at the brightly lit vanity across the room.

"I always do" the thirteen year old giggled sitting down in front of the mirror so the pair could start their work.

It was a few hours later when Rosewyn was finally dressed for the tribute parade. Her hair was pinned up into a messy updo on top of her head leaving small curls framing her face, small rubies and diamonds laced through out. Her makeup was natural far from the capitol norm but it suited the future president.

"Now time for the dress" Sona sings clapping her hands in excitement. She ushers her assistant over so she can unzip the bag and reveal the stunning emerald gowns studded with formations of gold, diamonds, and rubies.

"Wow" Rosewyn breathed out in awe, "It's perfect"

"Perfect for you" Sona sighed glad her work was appreciated. She loved styling the young girl and had done so since she first arrived at the presidents mansion. She still remembered how the wide eyed little girl smiled at her and spun around when the dress was put onto her.

"Thank you so much Sona" Rosewyn said wrapping her arms around the woman tightly.

"Hush now darling" She replied returning the hug, "Your going to be late if you don't get down there" The girl nodded following one of her guards to the car.


Rosewyn sits at the right hand of President Snow head held high. A small smile graces her face as she waits for the chariots carrying this years tributes to emerge from the tunnel.

"Roswyn I'm excited for you to join us during this years games" The current head game maker Benedict Hollow states hoping to win favor in the young girls eyes.

"As am I" Rosewyn states nodding respectfully at the flamboyant older man in front of her, "If you'll excuse me i beileve the parade is about to begin" The man nods goodbye and quickly finding his seat to enjoy the festivities.

The chariots begin to pour out each tribute styled in a way that represents their district. Rosewyn straightens as she watches the chariot of district four come into the light. The young bronze skinned boy is magnetic as he pulls forward. Cheers begin to sound out for the boy as his smile brightens the room. Roses poor from the stands at him as he makes his way to the end of the trail.

"President Snow your live" one of the many assistants or guards mutters alerting both the president and his successor to stand and step forward Rosewyn waiting slightly behind him.

"Welcome. Welcome." The Presidents voice rings out over the speakers, "Tributes, we welcome you." He states nodding towards Rosewyn who stands next to him she nods as to say he speaks for them both.

"We salute your courage and your sacrifice and we wish you happy Hunger Games," He pauses allowing the young girl to step forward.

"And may the odds be ever in your favor." She finishes causing cheers and shouts to ring out from their audience. She smiles at the crowd looking down at the tributes. Her eyes lock with the ocean blue that had been staring at her. The young boy winks causing a blush to spread over her cheeks.

The girl takes her seat once again watching as the tributes exit the pathway. Rosewyn sits completely oblivious to Coriolanus' watchful eye having witnessed her interaction with the young tribute from district 4. 

Authors Note:

I know the first few chapters have been pretty short but once the story starts taking off hopefully they'll start getting a little longer. 

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