Chapter 7:

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Rosewyn wasn't sure how long she had been on the bathroom floor. Her breathing had finally evened and her stomach had settled but her face remained ghostly as she raised herself to stand. Her once crisp white blouse was now wrinkled and her entire demeanor appeared disheveled.

She leaned against one of the sink splashing her face with water and rubbing at the mascara around her eyes. When she finally managed to remove the black smears from her face, she couldn't help but stare into the mirror in front of her.

"Keep your head up rose" She whispered, President Snow's words echoing in her mind, "you will be a strong leader one day" she spoke louder with each word straightening her shoulders and collecting the pieces of herself she'd left on the tiled floor.

"I just need to remember my place" She spoke once again cold brown eyes staring back at her, "which is here in the capitol. the districts brought this on themselves" her words were hollow as if someone else had spoken them. She smoothed her clothes and hair before making her way out of the bathroom, a blank expression completely detached from the actions taking place in the arena.

As the girl returned to her seat Arthur couldn't help but glance over concern filling him at the girl's calm demeanor. For a moment he'd thought she could see the horror of the games but it seems he was mistaken. The girl looked unaffected by the same expression the current president wore painted across the thirteen year olds face. Arthur had never been more concerned for the future of Panem.


Rosewyn had left the gamemakers headquarters for only a few hours but already two more tributes had died. It was the fourth day of the games and a mere five tributes remained. Rosewyn was grateful that Finnick had made it this far into the competition; she hoped that even if Finnick didn't win Coriolanus wouldn't punish her too greatly for being incorrect.

Finnick remained on the island he had fled to after the brutal murders of the tributes from district two. The boy was well taken care of by sponsors sending the boy a plethora of gifts. He wanted for nothing when he was in the arena. Finnick himself had only killed three tributes himself while Magnus and Ebony the tributes from district two had an impressive count of eight combined kills. Finnick was lucky to get out of their alliance alive.

Magnus and Ebony continued to hunt down the remaining tributes while Finnick stayed on the island doing his best to wait them out. Rosewyn saw that this annoyed the gamemakers who were simply trying to put on a good show. She watched as they began to come up with ways to get Finnick off the island. Each idea is more deadly than the next.

"What if you flooded the rest of the arena?" Rosewyn spoke up, silencing the room. Benedict stared at the girl for a moment surprised she'd dare to speak up.

"What?" He said in shock.

"Flood the rest of the arena and push the other tributes to him" Rosewyn spoke nodding her head to reassure herself of her words, "The islands small enough that it could create the victor" Benedict stared at the thirteen year old considering her words with care.

"Raise the water level" Benedict called out to one of the many gamemakers in the room.

"Slowly" Rosewyn called out after making Benedict turn to her in frustration, "you don't want anyone to needlessly drown" the girl shrugged as if it were obvious.

"Miss Snow-"

"Drowning is far less entertaining then a fight Benedict" Rosewyn drawled cutting the man off. She leaned back in her chair and focused her eyes back on the monitor not bothering to give the man a second thought.

"Of course" Benedict conceded knowing the girl was right, "Raise the water level slowly" he commanded once again.

Just as Rosewyn had planned Finnick noticed the water begin to swallow the land surrounding the cornucopia. He picked up his trident and covered his tracks knowing that other tributes would be making their way onto his island. As if on queue a scream rang out followed by a cannon the boy slowly crept towards the sound hiding behind a nearby rock as he watched the two tributes from district two drown the male tribute from district nine. This was the finale.

"Come on out fish boy" Magnus shouted out eyes searching over the island. Across the beach Finnick noticed the girl from six pull herself up onto the sand. Coughs racked through her chest as she nearly collapsed onto the sand.

"Magnus over there" Ebony shouted, noticing the girl just as Finnick had. Rosewyn held her breath as she watched hoping that the boy would be able to outsmart the pair.

"No" Magnus started shaking the raven haired girl beside him, "I want four" Ebony scoffed at the brute's words, grabbing one of her knives from her belt.

"Come on she's right there" Ebony stated gesturing over to the girl that was still trying to catch her breath after nearly drowning.

"Then you kill her" Magnus started focusing his anger at the girl now, "Or better yet how about I kill you" Without any more warning Magnus stepped forwards to stab the girl only to falter as a knife embedded in his neck. Blood spattered onto the raven haired girl's sunburnt skin. Even the gamemakers were shocked that she had been the survivor of the argument.

The girl began to rush towards the tribute from six who had just become aware of her surroundings. Before Ebony could cross the beach Finnick jumped out of place pressed against the rocks and embedded the trident into her. A canon rang out through the island and the water began to rise up the beach.

Finnick hadn't noticed but the girl from six had fled and the water was rising much faster now pushing him towards higher ground. Rosewyn knew the gamemakers were planning on pushing the two together even if the match wasn't exactly fair considering the girl had no weapon. Rosewyn wouldn't feel any relief until the boy was officially crowned victor.

Finnick made his way to the center of the island where the girl from six sat in the fetal position rocking herself back and forth. Her blonde hair was laced with blood. He could tell she was mumbling to herself but couldn't make out the words. He slowly made his way towards the girl as she cried not noticing the boy behind her. Rosewyn closed her eyes and waited until the canon rang out to open them. At the center of the screen was Finnick staring up at the sky with a mix of relief and regret written across his face; however , just to screen away was the girl's unmoving body, her cheeks still wet from the tears she shed in her final moments.

"Ladies and gentlemen I present to you the victor of the sixty fifth annual hunger games" The Announcement rang through the country of Panem, "Finnick Odair"

Authors Note:

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