new beginning

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Daryl dixon trekked through the dense forest, hoping to spot some food or maybe an opportunity for escape. As he walked, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was being followed, but he chose to dismiss the feeling. Daryl suddenly halted, raising his crossbow as he heard mysterious footsteps. They didn't sound like those of walkers but rather an animal running, which unnerved him even further

Daryl backed up as a deer charged past, relieved that he wasn't trampled by the creature. Raising his crossbow, he attempted to fire at the animal, but the deer's speed and unpredictability prevented him from hitting his mark. Feeling frustrated, Daryl lowered his crossbow, knowing it would be a waste of time to continue pursuing the deer. Suddenly, he heard a heavy thud followed by silence. Could it be another walker? Or perhaps a living human? Daryl remained cautiously alert, his crossbow at the ready

Daryl cautiously approached the source of the sound, his crossbow raised and ready for action. As he peered around the tree, he was taken aback by the unexpected sight of a girl devouring a dead deer. Her eyes were bloodstained, and her lips were stained with blood. The girl's pale skin and skeletal frame suggested that she had not eaten for weeks. Daryl stepped closer, causing the girl to pause her meal and stare back at him with wild eyes. The eerie silence that followed felt palpable, and Daryl's gut twisted with a gut-wrenching feeling. Raising his crossbow, Daryl sneered down at the girl and prepared for the worst.

Daryl's tone was hostile and threatening as he barked, "Who are you?"

The girl just glared back at him, her eyes narrow and her forehead wrinkled in disgust. With nothing but her feet to push her back, she tried to create distance from Daryl, who kept his crossbow trained on her, just in case.

Daryl repeated his question, his voice growing louder as he waved the crossbow closer. However, the girl refused to answer, remaining stubbornly silent as she stared back at Daryl

The girl rose to her feet, keeping her hands tucked behind her back as she glared at Daryl. Despite his threatening demeanor, she refused to give in to his demands and remained silent, her gaze piercing through him. Daryl took a step closer, his crossbow almost touching her face as he yelled the same question once more. "How many walkers have you killed?"

A closer inspection revealed that the girl looked young, possibly no more than 11 years old, but there was no innocence in her eyes. She seemed to have seen and survived more than anyone her age should have.

The girl's only response was to continue glaring at Daryl, not uttering a sound in his direction. Daryl couldn't shake the strange feeling that he was being tested, that the girl was somehow assessing him before she made a decision on whether to talk or not.

Determined to break the silence, Daryl asked a new question, "How many people have you killed?" But the girl's expression remained unchanged, and she didn't respond. Daryl finally decided to lower his crossbow, realizing that the girl was just a child and that it was unnecessary to threaten her with a weapon

Daryl put his hand in his pocket to retrieve a granola bar. As he offered it to the girl, he grumbled, "Don't eat that here," and tossed the bar to her. She didn't bother to take it, allowing it to fall to her feet.

Frustrated and impatient, Daryl unzipped his backpack and knelt. It was filled with canned food, enough to last him for a few days while hunting. He knew he needed to stock up. Daryl also had a map to guide him. He rummaged through his backpack to find it.

"You've got a community... or a camp?" Daryl asked, knowing the girl wouldn't answer.

Instead, he rifled through her stuff, but then he heard a sound behind him. He spun around, crossbow raised, and fired at an approaching walker. It fell immediately.

Daryl sprinted into the woods in pursuit of the girl who had stolen his backpack. His head snapped up repeatedly to listen for any sound of footsteps or other hints of her location, but he couldn't hear anything other than his own footsteps. His frustration grew as he continued to search, and just when he was about to give up and turn back, he spied a small cabin covered in vines and moss. The broken windows and cracked glass on the ground hinted at a dilapidated state, yet there could be safety within.

Daryl stepped inside the cabin and twisted the doorknob, opening the door. The inside of the cabin was covered in thick dust, and while it was clear that someone must have been living inside, it was not the girl that Daryl had just been pursuing. Daryl opened the door to a room on the left near the entryway, and found that there was a closet with a blanket and pillow inside. It seemed as though someone must have been sleeping here, too

Daryl heard a sudden shatter like a vase falling, and he quickly turned his crossbow towards the direction the sound had come from. He cautiously made his way towards the source of the fall, and was met with a surprising sight when he got to the room. The girl who had stolen his backpack was sitting cross-legged on the floor, trying to open a can of food. When she spotted Daryl, she quickly stood up and scrambled towards the window, her intentions clear to jump out

“Don't move," Daryl said, his crossbow already trained on the girl who had stolen his backpack. The girl immediately froze, but Daryl's guard didn't drop. He took a step closer, prepared to pick up his backpack, but as he leaned down, the girl lunged forward with a knife. Daryl saw it coming, but he was too late to avoid the strike, and the blade cut into his shin. He yelled out in pain, his guard dropped

, Daryl quickly reacted by shoving her, causing her to land several feet away from the knife. Daryl quickly moved to position his good foot on the knife, holding it away from the girl while keeping his crossbow pointed at her. His anger was evident as he stood his ground, determined to prevent her from reaching the knife.

Daryl's eyes narrowed as he stared at the girl, barely able to suppress the rage in his voice. His breathing was shallow and uneven, and his hands were trembling with the urgent desire to lunge towards her and strangle her. The mere sight of her was enough to incite furious anger within him.

The girl was now backing up, scooting against the wall, but Daryl stood over her, not willing to give her an inches of space. He could not shoot her, she was just a kid, so he pulled his backpack over his shoulder and picked up the girl's knife.

Daryl stood over the terrified girl with a mix of fury and caution. He could not shoot her, she was just a kid, but he was now holding her knife as he backed away slightly in order to keep his distance. Just as he was preparing to leave, Daryl heard banging and growling coming from the door next to the girl, and he saw the door shaking as if there were walkers inside. The girl looked sad now, no longer angry, just sad.

The girl looked like she was going to cry, so Daryl walked over to the door that was shaking. He somehow knew that the girl's family was inside, and as he turned the knob and opened the door slightly, walkers fell out of the room. It was a horrifying scene, with a dead lady, man, and two children, the youngest likely being no more than 6 while the oldest may have been 10. The girl knew it too. She couldn't bring herself to kill her own family, even in this state.

As the first walker stumbled out of the room, it snapped at Daryl and stumbled towards him. Daryl quickly shot the walker in the head and it fell. He did the same to the other three: the lady, who seemed to be the mother, and the guy who appeared to be too young to be a dad. He looked to at least be 17, and the two kids seemed no older than 6 and 10. Daryl walked over and pulled the arrow out of the deceased walkers' heads, before looking over at the girl. Her eyes were filled with tears.

Daryl was now sitting across the room from the girl, who was sitting in one corner. Daryl had already pulled the walkers outside to give them some space, but the floor was stained with blood. Daryl couldn't make up his mind whether he should leave the girl here or take her with him. She was young - she had to be 9 or 10 - and Daryl wasn't sure if taking her with him was the right decision.

"What's your name?" Daryl asked as he fixed his crossbow. The girl looked down at her knees and shrugged.

"You don't know your name?" Daryl asked the girl, who merely shrugged again. He leaned back on the wall, finding it difficult to stay patient as his leg still hurt. He wasn't going to admit it, but the girl wasn't helping him at all. Daryl considered taking the girl back to the prison with him, but he couldn't decide if it was the best decision. Daryl placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and sighed, clearly annoyed.

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