"No that's not true, I won because of my absolutely flawless driving skills" Issac argues 

"I agree and he is the best" I say 

Nate looks at me " Don't do this he will not forget it" 

I shrug "Ice cream timeeeeee " 

"3 chocolate ice cream cones for me please" I say to the one taking orders 

"3? Isn't it a little too much?" Nate asks 

"What no it isn't 3 is just like" I show him three fingers " look not even one hand" 

Issac laughs and says "you see she is right and we deserve it after our victory"

"you will catch cold if you eat 3 ice creams bambina" Noah says 

"No I will not pleasseeee Noah" I say 

"Ok as long as you are happy and don't get sick. If anything happens then I am not going to say anything to Elijah " Noah says 

I smile at him "nothing will happen I promise" I say 

"ok fine princess Alice " Nate says 

"come on do it fast and take them to the cars and let's eat it there" he looks at me " if you can that is" he continues 

all three of them give their orders. 

"excuse me " the man calls us and hands us our ice creams 

Nate looks at me and gives me 2 of my cones " can you take one more or do I hold it for you ?" 

"I can take it but if you want you can hold it for me Nate, Come on I even have space in my hands see" I say and show him my empty hand 

"Fine take it" He says handing my ice cream to me

"if you are done can we sit and eat it in our car in peace if you don't mind" Issac says

We nod Noah and Issac lead the way and Nate is behind me 

we reach our cars and lean on it and eat our ice creams peacefully talking to each other.

Nate clears his throat and I look up at him " what" 

"Let's go and sit in the cars while you finish your ice creams peacefully, there are so many people here, looking at us. It looks like we are going to eat your ice cream" 

I shake my head and continue to eat these tasty ice creams and they start talking about something.

I am eating my last ice cream when Noah says " let's go it's getting late" 

"No wait for me I am going to finish this here and then let's head home. Issac said he will let me drive on the way back home" I say

"Alice you can drive some another time, sit and let Issac drive we are leaving now" he says in a serious tone 

I nod my head " ok" 

" don't head straight home and split up at the highway " Noah says 

"ok" Issac says and gets into the car

AliceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang