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It's been a month since that day Ace agreed to let me train, I have learned many things from Arthur in these days. 

"Are you ready yet? We are getting late Alice" Issac shouts 

"Yes I am coming give me a minute" I say and tie my shoe lace in a hurry. We are going on a ride me with Issac while Noah and Nate are joining us in their own cars. 

I reach the front door. Issac sighs seeing me " I thought you will be taking an hour more" 

Rolling my eyes I go to the car "please I hardly took a few minutes" 

"yeah sure" he says and starts the car while we wait for the twins to come 

They pull up beside us. "Let's race Issac" Nate says 

Issac nods and they start the car with the count down while me and Noah are enjoying the ride with the windows down. 

Exiting the gate they stop the car "Let's meet up at our ice cream shop whoever comes first can eat whatever they want and the one who looses should pay" Nate suggests

"ok cool. Let's see" Issac says 

After the count down by Noah they start the cars. 

"We have to reach there before them, I want to eat good amount of chocolate ice cream" I say 

"We will win look at them they are behind us." he says pointing to the car from the mirror 

"Ok " I smile happily 

"Do you want to drive while we head back home?" Issac asks 

"You think I can manage?" I ask 

"Yes after all you learned from the best. " He says 

I scoff " Well it is true I have learned from you but we will only know that you are the best if you win the race" I say 

"We will bambina, just chill and be ready to eat your ice cream" He says and increases his speed 

I laugh leaning back and enjoying the speed and wind. 

In 10 minutes we reach the ice cream shop followed by the twins 

I get down and jump up and down in joy " We have won now you are supposed to pay for whatever we want to eat" 

"If you would be this happy on us loosing a race we would be loosing everyday sorella" Noah says 

"no it would not be fun if we would do it every day, and it would be cheating too" I say 

Nate laughs "Sure let's go" 

"I said we would win" Issac said from behind 

I nod at him " yes yes you did" 

"So that means I am the best" he says to me 

Nate raises his brow " You just won by luck Issac" 

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