Chapter 13: A Totem Pokemons Revenge

Start from the beginning

After the speech, there was trouble outside the school. A group of three calling themselves Team Skull named Tapp, Rapp and Zipp, who are wrecking havoc and attacking the visitors and Delia and Ash arrived to deal with the problem, when the Pokemon were defeated the group of three suddenly ran away.

After the Open House, Niku and Eevee alongside Vulpix as well, are walking around the island and can see some stores are having a shortness on some fruits and other food.

Niku: Hmm. Some busninesses seem to have a shortage on food.

Eevee: Eevee.

Vulpix: Vul.

Niku walked over to the Shop Owner lady and asked.

Niku: Alola, miss!

Shop Owner Lady: Alola, Niku! How have you been?

Niku: Going good. Hey, so what seems to be going on? I noticed some food stalls seems to have food being missing.

Shop Owner Lady: Your right. Apparently some of the food have been stolen from the past couple of days.

Niku: Stolen? Any idea by who?

Shop Owner Lady: Remember the Rattata and Raticate incident way back? It's possible it might be them.

Niku puts a hand under his chin in thought.

Niku: ( So those Rattata and Raticate could be at it again. Wait, if it is, who are they gathering food for? Could it be a Totem Pokemon?) I see. Thank you mam.

Niku, with Eevee and Vulpix walked away and is still thinking of what to do.

Scene Change

In the forest, Tapp, Rapp and Zipp were walking and talking about there plans of what to do next. The day before they met up with Team Rocket to get a Z Crystal but failed to get it.

 The day before they met up with Team Rocket to get a Z Crystal but failed to get it

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Rapp: Man, can't believe that lame team from before got that Z Crystal!

Tapp: Yeah, they got lucky for getting it!

Zipp: We should face that Raticate once again and this time capture it for sure!

Rapp: Yeah, for the glory of Team Skull, Raticate will be ours!

Tapp/Zipp: Yeah!


The next day has arrived and Niku along with his Eevee and Vulpix walked beside him after coming out of the Police Center.

Niku: Officer Jenny said that the Raticate and Rattata live in Verdant Forest. That's close to wear Totem Gumshoos lives. I can guess of what Totem Pokemon it is and what tricks it might bring, luckily I brought someone who just might handle this. Now then, let's move.

Eevee/ Vulpix: Eevee!/ Vulpix!

The three ran to there destination, ready for a large battle.

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