• Legolas miss his father •

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One morning in the woodland realm, Legolas was eating his breakfast when his father came in and he look like he was on a rush

"Mae govannen ada! How are you?" Said Legolas

"Mae govannen ion-nin, i'm well thank you" Replied Thranduil

"Legolas listen, i need to go somewhere for a important meeting and i'll probably won't come back for two days" Said Thranduil

"What? Two days?" Said Legolas and looked at his father

"Why can't i come with you ada?" Asked Legolas a bit sad

Legolas was old enough to understand the importance of meeting, and even if he hated going on some meeting cause it was always too long, he never liked when his father went gone for too long

And Thranduil never had leaved for more than a day and Legolas was worried about that

"Legolas, i'm sorry but no you can't come with me today but maybe once you will be older you'll be able to" Replied Thranduil

"But ada-" Said Legolas but was cut off by his father puting his hand on his shoulder

"Everything is going to be well ion-nin, you have everything you need here and i'll come back, i promise to you" Said Thranduil trying to reassure Legolas cause he notice a bit of nervousness in him

"Legolas, i almost forgot, i don't want you to go in the woods when i'm gone" Said Thranduil

"Okay ada, Please come back safely"

Then Thranduil take what he needed for the road in the kitchen and leaved

And when Legolas saw his father leaving the kingdom on his elk, he opened the window and waved at his father and Thranduil waved at him too and continue his road peacefully

When it was time for lunch, Legolas didn't really had the motivation to eat so he just skipped his meal

At this moment Feren passed by Legolas and stopped to ask news of the young prince

"Mae govannen Legolas, how do you fare today?" Asked Feren

"Oh Feren, i didn't see you coming, i'm fine thank you and you?"

"I'm doing great too, did you have anything planned today?" Asked Feren who thought that Legolas looked bored

"No, i didn't plan anything..." Replied Legolas

"Do you want to take care of the garden with me today?" Asked Feren trying to cheer up Legolas's mood

"No thank you, i just wanna be alone please" Said Legolas

Normally Legolas would have smiled and immediately agreed to help Feren, because he was a really caring and helpful person

But because of the news of his father leaving for two days, Legolas wasn't feeling like doing anything, all he think about was his father

"Okay don't worry, i'll leave you alone then" Said Feren and then leaved the room

Legolas then passed the whole day alone in the living room or in his room staring at his window hoping to see his father coming back

When Legolas finally left his room and walked around the kingdom, suddenly he bumped into his friend Tauriel

"Are you okay Legolas?" Asked Tauriel cause her friend didn't seem to be well like usual

"I'm fine..., don't worry" Replied Legolas

But Tauriel was not convinced by this answer

"By the way, what are you doing here?" Asked Legolas confused because he completely lost track of time

"Well, i was just going to my room to go to sleep" Replied Tauriel

"Wait, what time is it?" Asked Legolas visually confused

"It's 10pm Legolas" Said Tauriel

"Oh i didn't realise that much time as pass... Then goodnight Tauriel" Said Legolas and he turn around to go to his room, but Tauriel stopped him by grabing his shoulder

"Legolas, don't tell me you haven't eat anything at all today..." Said Tauriel worried for Legolas cause he looked quite pale

"You're right..., i haven't eat anything today" Said Legolas

"But why? Is something wrong?" Asked Tauriel worried

"I don't feel hungry that's all" Said Legolas

"Legolas, please i'm your friend, tell me if something is upsetting you..." Said Tauriel

"Don't mock me, but i'm just really worried about my ada, because he leaved and won't come back before tomorow night"

"I will never mock you Legolas, and that's okay if you're worried about him"

"But you should never skipped your meals, it's not healthy, and i'm sure your ada wouldn't want you to do that" Said Tauriel

"I know but i just didn't feel like eating, i was too worried about him" Replied Legolas

"Come with me! I know what i can do about that!" Said Tauriel and grabbed Legolas's hand

Then they both arrived in the kitchen and Tauriel took a sandwich which was in a box in a cupboard

"Where did you find that?" Asked Legolas

"Well it was a sandwich i prepared for today when i wanted to go hunting but finally i cancel that plan and i forgot that i put it here" Replied Tauriel and giving the sandwich to Legolas

"Are you sure you don't want it?" Asked Legolas

"No, i already ate and you didn't so it's yours now" Said Tauriel

"Hannon-le Tauriel!" Said Legolas smiling and then he ate the sandwich

"It was really good! Hannon-le!" Said Legolas when he finished eating

Then both of the young elf went to sleep in their own room

During the night, Legolas had a bit of struggle to sleep but the sound of the rain outside on the roof calmed him down a bit and he finally fall asleep peacefully

The next day, Tauriel passed the whole day with Legolas cause she refused to leaved him alone

And she tried to reassure him the best she could when he got really worried about his father again and when he missed his father a lot

It was now 12 am and there were still no sign of Thranduil coming back

At that moment Legolas started to get extremely worried and he burst into tears

"Why is he not here? What if something had really happened to him? I want him back..." Legolas thought

But Legolas didn't realise that his father was already coming toward his room at the same time

When Legolas saw his door opening and saw his father, he jumped off the bed and ran to hug him

"Ada! I was so worried about you, i missed you so much" Said Legolas in his father's arms

"Ohh Legolas, it's okay, i'm here now, i'm sorry it took me more time to come back then i expected" Said Thranduil patting Legolas's back

When Legolas let go of the hug, Thranduil noticed the tears running down his son cheeks

"Why are you crying ion-nin?" Asked Thranduil wiping out Legolas's tears

"I don't know why i'm crying, i'm just happy to see you and that nothing bad had happened to you, i missed you so much" Said Legolas

"Legolas, i love you so much, now go sleep ion-nin"

"Goodnight ada, i love you too"

Legolas teenage stories Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora