• something wrong with Legolas [2/3] •

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The sun slowly rise in the woodland realm, when Tranduil knock on the door of his son room

"Are you awake?, May i come? He asked gently

Having no answer from Legolas, he knock a second time at the door


There were still no response from the young elf

Thranduil opened the door slightly and quietly to check on his son

A sweet smile appear on his face when he see his son still sleeping peacefuly

When Thranduil was gonna leave the room he stop when he hear a small whisper behind him

"Adar?" Legolas whisper half awake and strugle to open his eyes who were blinding by the light of the sun trought the windows

Thranduil turned to look at Legolas "you can still sleep if you want, it's only 7am"

"I can not" the young elf said while waking up from his bed to sit on it

"Why that?" Asked Thranduil confused

"I'm just not tired"

Thranduil closed the door behind him and came closer to Legolas

"Are you sure there is nothing else that bothering you?" Thranduil ask his son noticing the lack of sleep on his son face

"I'm fine Ada" respond Legolas

"Legolas? Don't lie to me"

Tranduil looked at his son in the eyes searching for a response from him

Legolas was avoiding the eyes contact as much as he could, he did not want his ada to worry about him

Having no response from Legolas Tranduil asked a last time more gently "Legolas you have to tell me if something wrong please"

"You know when we got to the healer yersterday" respond Legolas

"Yes i remember, is something wrong?"

"Well, i wasn't hable to sleep this night even tho i really try"

"Why did you not tell me or anyone?, why could not sleep? And what is that have to do with the healer?" Thranduil asked his son

"I'm sorry, i didn't want to bother anyone especially you and i trought that it will go away by itself"

"I don't understand Legolas, what are you talking about?"

"When i tell the healer yersterday that i didn't have a headaches anymore... i was lying"

Tranduil looked at his son in silence waiting for the rest of the story

"It really felt better at the time we were at the healer, so i throught that informing that my headaches wasn't completly gone was not necesary..."

"I really trought that by sleeping it will be all gone in the morning, but it got worse in the night and i didn't want to annoy you with my problem"

"I trought i could handle it by my own, i'm sorry i've lie to you ada" finally finished Legolas

"Legolas" said Tranduil softly by putting his hand on Legolas's shoulder

"You should'nt have done that, it's not good to push the pain too far"

"I know..." Legolas said looking down

He immediately raised his head when he felt the dizziness returning due to this action

Thranduil noticed the look of pain on his son's face as Legolas closed his eyes in pain from dizziness

"Can you wake up and get ready?" Asked Thranduil

"Humm yes i can, but where do you wanna go ada?" Asked Legolas with a confused look on his face

"We are going to see Lord Elrond, i'll be waiting for you in the kitchen" said Tranduil leaving the room and closing the door

Legolas was really confused, why would his ada wanted to go see Lord Elrond? Is this was about him?

Legolas didn't understand why a simple headaches and a bit of dizziness was that much to worry about to the point of going to see Lord Elrond for it

But as he tried to get up and fell to his knees, he felt dizzy and painfully found the strength to get up

He notices what he looked like looking in the mirror

At that moment, he understand why his ada was worried that much about him

He looked quite pale and the lack of sleep was clearly marking his eyes, and the little energy he had wasn't helping

He finally got ready and left his room to go towards the kitchen where Thranduil was waiting for him

"There you are" Thranduil said kindly

"Do you want something to eat or to drink Legolas?" Asked Feren who was just behind Tranduil

"A glass of water please"

"Sure i'll give you that" Feren said taking the glass and filled it with fresh water

"Here you go" Feren said giving the glass to Legolas

"Thank you Feren" Legolas said and smiled at him

"Feren, are the horses ready to go?" Asked Tranduil

"Yes my King everything is ready as you asked"

"Alright, thank you Feren"

"Legolas? How do you feel? Are you ready to go?" Asked Thranduil to his young elf

"Ada?" Said Legolas

"What, my little leaf?"

"Ada please don't call me like that" responded Legolas

"I was wondering about Tauriel, do you think we will come-back here on time for the dinner with her?" Legolas asked with a point of sadness if he wouldn't be habble to see his friend

"I'm sure we will be Legolas don't worry" respond Tranduil

"Feren, i trust you to take care of everything on my absence" said Thranduil looking at Feren

"Of course my King, i'll do my best" Feren respond respectfully

Thranduil and Legolas then leave the kingdom to join two guards and three horses who were waiting for them

"My King are you ready to go" ask one of the guard

"Yes we may go now" responded the King


"Yes Legolas" asked Thranduil

"Where is my horse?" He asked confused
Looking at the three horses

"Legolas i'm sorry but i don't think riding your horse is a good idea right now, you will be with me on my horse, if that okay with you of course"

"Okay i understand..." said Legolas

One of the guard helped Legolas got up on Thranduil's horse who was quite tall for him

Thranduil and the two guards got up on their horse and started to rid toward their destination...

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