• Archery competition •

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Today in the woodland realm it's was a really beautiful sunny day

And Legolas was really excited cause today in Mirkwood a big archery competition and a feast was happening to celebrate the comming of spring

Thranduil had prepared that for a long time with the help of some other elves

Legolas was one of the best Mirkwood's archer, even at his young age for a elf, he already had better skill than some adult elves

the feast will start at 12pm and the archery competion will happen during the aftertnoon, from 2pm till 4pm

When Legolas got dressed up and braid is hair, he leaved his room

It was 8am but the elves were already preparing the feast outside

So Legolas passed next to them and saluted them happily

Legolas then picked some beautiful cherry blossom flowers and came back and go to his father

When Legolas saw his father giving instructions to some elves he waited

"Ada! Look what i found!" Said Legolas showing the flowers to his father when he finished talking to the other elves

"Oh yes they're beautiful! You picked them just perfectly!" Said Thranduil kindly

"Can i put them in your wood crown right now ada?" Asked Legolas with a smile on his face

"Of course Ion-nin!" Said Thranduil giving his crown to Legolas

"Hannon-le ada! I'll make it very beautiful, trust me!" Said Legolas taking the crown and the flowers in his other hand carefully

Then Legolas sat down on the grass peacefuly and started putting the flowers in the crown little by little

Legolas was the one who always picked up the seasonal plant and flowers and put them on his father's crown at every season change

And he absolutly loved doing that

When he finished it he came back to his father and showed him his work

"Hannon-le ion-nin, this is really beautiful! You did a great work!" Said Thranduil

Then Thranduil leaned down to let Legolas place the crown on his head

"You're crown look beautiful my king!" Said one elf who pass beside Thranduil and Legolas

"Hannon-le" Replied Thranduil

Then Legolas was so excited for the archery competion who was going to happen in the afternoon that he could'nt just sit there and wait

So Legolas started to help the other elves with the installation of the tables and chairs for the feast and also helped them with the decorations

It was now 12pm and the food started to arrived on the table for the feast

When everything was ready, Legolas sat at his place next to his father

The table were beautifully decorated with fresh flowers and the sun was shinning brightly

During the feast all elves enjoyed all the foods and appriciated the musics and song of the musicians

After the feast Legolas took his bow and arrows, and went to the woods alone to practice a bit more before the archery competition

After a few more arrows shooting, Legolas heard a familiar voice calling his name

"LEGOLAS!" A young elf called him excited

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