• Legolas and the competition [1/2] •

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In this story the twins appear to be around ~19-20yo, and Arwen appear to be around ~8-10yo


During some vacation Legolas and his father went to Rivendell for a week

Elladan,Elrohir, Arwen and Legolas where playing together in the garden and the twins proposed to do a sword fight competition

Legolas had way more skills with a bow than a sword but he still accepted the challenge

The twins were forming a team and Legolas and Arwen the second team

The competition was going to be in 4 round, the team who would win the more fight will win the competition

The twins were searching for somebody to judge their competion

After a long time of search and refuse, they found Glorfindel sitting on a bench alone, they ran to him and pleaded him to judge the competition

"Oh come on! Please!" Begged Elladan

"Please! Please! Please! Just for today!" Also begged Elrohir

"PLEASEE! IT'S GOING TO BE FUN!!" Yelled both with exictement

After a longue pleading from the twins, Glorfindel finally accepted and join the place where the competition was going to be and Legolas and Arwen were sitting calmly and were speaking together probably of some strategy or something to win against the twins

The first fight was going to be
Arwen vs Elrohir

Arwen and Elrohir fought both really well but Arwen won cause she was faster than her brother

Which gived her a advantage

For the moment Legolas and Arwen team were winning

Legolas was proud and clap Arwen's hands like a sign of victory

"You fought well Arwen!" Said Legolas proudly

The twins had lose this fight but didn't give up cause they were still 3 other round

The next fight was between Legolas and Elladan

Elladan who was really ready to win this fight put a lot of strenght in the fight and in a small amount of time he already had win, making Legolas lose this fight

Legolas start to get angry to had lose this fast already

He sat down with crossed arms looking at the next fight

The twins where glad Elladan had won cause now they had a chance to win

The score was: 1 / 1

The next fight was going to be Arwen vs Elladan

Elladan was quite good at sword fighting and also win this second fight proudly

The twins were now winning with a score of : 2 / 1

Then the final fight had come, between Legolas and Elrohir

The twins were really confident about winning this fight and so winning the competition

Legolas was still really upset about his first fight, and was as determined as them to win

Elrohir and Legolas run towards eachother and everyone heard the strong shock of their swords knocking eachother brutally

Both of them were fighting well

When Elrohir suddenly tricked him and twirled his sword to make him retreat

Legolas wasn't ready for that and lose his balance then he suddenly fall on his back brutaly

By that action his sword flew off of his hand and that make him lose the fight

And the twins then, won the competition

Elrohir immediately wanted to check on him cause the fall was strong and he feared that Legolas got injured

"Are you okay Mellon-nin?" asked Elrohir proposing his hand to Legolas who was on the floor

Legolas was really upset and angry to had lose like that and he stand up on his own by pushing his hands off the ground

He didn't looked at anybody and didn't say a word and just leaved the place angrily running as fast as he could

Elladan wanted to follow him when Glorfindel stopped him

"Let him Elladan, he probably want to be alone right now, he'll come back"

Legolas ran as fast as he could toward the horses stables

Luckily for him he didn't meet anybody on the road there

He didn't want anybody to see him cry like that

His vision was still blurry from the tears in his eyes, when he took his horse outside and got up on the horse

He was angry and dissapointed of himself

"How could i be so stupid?" he trought

He then leave on his horse galloping really fast toward the forest

He was really annoyed and upset and he was crying out of anger as he continued making his horse galloping really fast on the forest not caring what was around

When suddenly his horse stand up cause he got scared of something or some sound

Legolas try to catch the horse's neck to avoiding the fall but he could'nt

He fall off the horse brutally lying unconscious on the grass, his head had knock the ground brutally from the sudden fall

His horse was panicked and he snifed Legolas's face but he didn't move at all

Horses were intelligent and cared about their owner well being

The horse galloped back to Rivendell as fast as he could completly scared

The twins, Glorfindel and Arwen where still walking and talking outside when they notice a horse running toward them looking really scared

Glorfindel succefully catch the horse and try to calmed him down

"Whose horse is that? Where's the owner?" Asked Glorfindel

"We don't know" said the twins

Arwen approach the horse to look at him better

"It is Legolas's horse" said Arwen with a serious tone

"What? Are you sure?" Asked Elrohir worried

"Yes that's his horse, i recognise him"

Arwen and Legolas happened to go on a ride on their horses a lot together when their family visited each other in Mirkwood or Rivendell

So Arwen knew how Legolas's horse look like obviously

They were really worried about Legolas when no sign of him where find in Rivendell

They decided to followed the track of his horse on the forest together to try to find him there

Finally they saw from far away but closed enough, a blonde haired elf laying unconsious on the ground

Legolas still had'nt woke up

They all came running to the young elf laying unconsious on the ground

They try to called him and to shaked him awake but Legolas still didn't woke up or give any sign of consciousness at all

But Legolas's pulse was normal and he was breathing correctly so that reasured them a little bit

Glorfindel then slowly and carefully carried the unconsious young elf in his arms on the road back to Rivendell...

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