• Legolas training with Tauriel [1/3] •

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One sunny day, in the woodland realm

Legolas rush off the stair to get to his dad who was talking with Feren in the hall

"Ada?" Said the young Legolas who was trying to get his father attention

Thranduil didn't seem to react to his son calling him

"Ada?" Tried Legolas again

Thranduil finally turn around to look at his son "Legolas i'm busy talking now, wait please"

"Sorry Ada, i'll wait..." Legolas said with a bit of disappointement

"That is all Feren,you can go now" Said Thranduil and then turn around and went to Legolas who was waiting in silence as he was asked

"What it is Legolas?"

"Sorry to have interrupted you, i didn't mean to be rude..."

"I forgive you, but next time remember to just wait please"

"What do you wanted to tell me Legolas?" Asked Thranduil

"May i please go training in the forest with Tauriel?"

"Sure you may, but eat something before you go and be careful once you'll be there and come back in time for lunch"

A brigth smile appear on Legolas's face who rush into the kitchen to grab a lembas and eat it

After he finished eating it he prepared what he needed, taked his bow and some couple of arrows

"I'm going! I'll come back before lunch"
Said Legolas running throught the hall to get outside

As he past the doors and took a deep breath of fresh air, while the sun was shinning on his face

The two guards looked at him and smiled at him

"Have fun Prince Legolas!" Said one of them

"I will, thank you!" Respond Legolas with a bright smile

Legolas was being really exited to go training on this beauliful day, that all he loved: the bright sun shinning trought the trees and the birds singing and the song of the calm river

And training with his friend Tauriel was always a great time

Then he saw her waving at him to give him a sign to come

"Legolas!" Called the young elf who was as exited as Legolas

Legolas run to her with a smile

"You're ready to go?" Asked Tauriel to her friend

"Yes i am" responded Legolas

They decided to good to a place that they both loved, they use to do a lot of training together there when they were kids

They were having so much fun doing some competitions and running together and laughing, they also lost a couple of arrows by shooting them too far away

Legolas and Tauriel were running throught the trees being careless

When they hear a sound who scared both of them

Legolas was running and turned his head toward the sound when sudendly he knock his head hard directly on a tree

The shock of it make him fall on his back

Tauriel immediatly stop running and run towards Legolas who was trying to stand up

"LEGOLAS!, Are you okay?" Asked Tauriel clearly worried about her friend

Tauriel held Legolas's arm and help him stand up

"How do you feel?" Asked the young elf

"My head hurt..."

Legolas view was bit blurry and he was feeling dizzy, like the forest was moving all around him

Tauriel jumped in fear when a sound was coming from a bush in front of them

She take her bow and a arrows and pointed it in the direction of the bush

She was prepared to shoot whatever would come out of this bush

When a little deer come out of it, Tauriel and Legolas both take a deep breath of relieved

"The deer must have been scare of the sound of our arrows shooting" said Tauriel as the deer run far away from them

"Legolas? Are you fine?" Ask Tauriel

"I'm fine but i'm just really dizzy right now and my head hurt"

"We should go back now, you'll probably need some aids" Said Tauriel as she help Legolas walk

Once they returned safely, one of the two gards went towards them and ask "Prince Legolas? What happen?"

"He accidently hit his head hard on a tree while we were running" Said Tauriel

"Well you should go see the healer, to be sure it's nothing too bad" Said the other gards who opens the doors to them

Thranduil was in the kitchen waiting for his son returned to eat together as usual

When Thranduil hear the sound of the doors oppening he supposed that was his son, so he went to the hall

When he see Tauriel helping his son walking and Legolas doesn't seem so well

He went toward them and ask "what happen? Did you get hurt?"

Legolas get his arm out of Tauriel's shoulder and looked at his dad

"Well i bump into a tree pretty bad and my head hurt and i was feeling really dizzy so we decided to come back, but now i'm fine my head still hurt but i don't feel dizzy too much" Respond Legolas

"And Tauriel help me" saided Legolas looking at his friend on his right

"Thank you Tauriel" Tranduil said to the young elf

"May i see where you get hurt?" Asked Thranduil to Legolas

"Yes" respond Legolas

Thranduil kneel down to Legolas to look at his head

He gently lift Legolas's hair and see the big bruises that he got from the shock

"I think it will be okay, we're gonna see the healer to see what they can do" said Tranduil and put his hand on Legolas's shoulder

"You should go now Tauriel, Legolas will be fine don't worry" said Tranduil to Tauriel who looked still a bit worried about Legolas

"May she come tomorow for dinner please ada?" Ask Legolas to his dad

"Of course, i don't see any problem with that"

"Thank you" Tauriel greeted respectfully

"Then i'll see you tomorow Tauriel" said Legolas with a smile

"See you tomorow Legolas" waved the young elf leaving

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