• Legolas put himself in danger •

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This chapter will be a bit different than the other ones, it would be a bit more serious and slightly differently written

but i hope you'll still enjoy it!❤️

There is also more elvish sentences, there would be a translation at the end!


One day in the Woodland realm, Legolas was getting ready to go training alone in the forest

He ran to the armury, and grab his bow, some arrows and his doubles blades just in cases

When he leaved the armury he went to the trone room, where Thranduil was most of the time if he needed to find him

When he entered, he saw no one execpt a empty trone

"Ada? Somebody?" Legolas called, but no response came

"Where could he be now?" Wondered Legolas, trying to think about where his father could go

When he was going to turned around, a hand touched his shoulder, that make him flinch in surprise

"What are you doing here Legolas?"

Legolas turned around, and was rassured to see that it was only his father

"I was searching you, but i could'nt find you there" replied Legolas

"What make you search me?" Asked Thranduil to his son

"I just wanted to tell you that i'm going in the forest, to go training a bit" Said Legolas

"Alright you can go, be careful" replied Thranduil 

"Hannon-le ada!"

When he was going to leave the room, his father stopped him

"Legolas, don't go into the deep wood" warned Thranduil

"I won't ada, i promise" said Legolas

Then Legolas headed to the forest alone

Once Legolas arrived to his destination, he started looking all around and shooting some arrows, and graping them back one by one when he ran out of them

At a moment, Legolas started to get a bit bored of only shooting arrows and started walking on the forest quietly

When he saw something that catch his eyes

A little injured fawn near the lake, without her mother or father around

Legolas slowly but carefully approached the fawn and stopped when he was closed enough but far enough to the fawn to don't scared him

"Mae govannen, Tithen pen" said Legolas kindly

"Where is your family? What happen to you?" Asked Legolas concerned about the little fawn, even if he know the fawn won't respond to him

When he tried to approach the fawn a bit more to look at his injury and try to help him, the fawn jump back on his paws and ran accross the river on a oak tree who had fall accross the river, creating a pass

"Oh...poor tree, it must had fallen in the night due to the stong wind" Said Legolas feeling sorry for the old oak tree

But he focus his attention back to the little fawn

"I have to help him!" Legolas thought

The only way was to take the pass accross the river on the tree

As mush as Legolas hated to admit it, he was scared, the wind was still quite strong and the dreadful river current was worried him

But Legolas was determined to help that poor fawn, and took one careful first step onto the tree

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