Jungkook uttered in a sugar coated voice.

Cristina looked at the lifeless figure of Chaeyoung and shed silent tears .

Jungkook asked his guards to move the body .

And left the room with a last warning.

"Bam is outside, and you know he doesn't like people who disobeys me"

Jungkook grin and shut the door

Cristina sat there looking helpless 


*I'm pleased by your decision, bring them to a given address,  one thing, come alone , if you bring people I have to think about what next to do with your blondie friend *

Seeing the message Y/n sigh

"But sending you alone !! I oppose "

Jimin protest

"Don't worry I'll be alright "

Y/n replied

"Don't be a fool , first ask Jungkook to meet you thar particular place , convince him , to come , we have work according a plan ,not recklessly "

Taehyung replied

"I agree , "

Jimin uttered

Y/n texted back

*I'll come alone , bur you have to come there to take the papers,  if  not ,then I'm not coming, and Blondie is equally important to you , Dear brother, if you hurt her , we will have to Think about Giving you anything*

They waited for the reply

Just few minutes later reply came

*ofc sweeety , I want to see your pretty face again, I'll come to take the paper from you personally *

"Amazing!! Let's split into two groups "

Taehyung suggest

Three waited for a explanation.

"We will take advantage of the absence of Jungkook to rescue Cristina,  other side Y/n will go to meet Jungkook,  "

Taehyung uttered.

"No way , I won't allow Y/n go towards That piece of shit all alone "

Jimin and Yoongi oppose

Taehyung point towards himself.
The two other male frown

"He means , he will come to help me after sending Cristina to you safely "

Y/n interrupt

"Though its not needed,  I can fight "

Y/n added.

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