Epilogue: Forever and Always

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Years had passed since Lily and Ethan's wedding night, but their love remained as passionate as ever. As they sat together on their porch, watching the sun set on another beautiful day, they reflected on the journey that had brought them to this moment.

"I never could have imagined a love as beautiful as ours," Lily whispered, her hand entwined with Ethan's.

Ethan squeezed her hand gently, his heart overflowing with gratitude. "You are my everything, Lily. My rock, my soulmate," he replied, his voice filled with emotion.

As they gazed into each other's eyes, they knew that their love was eternal, a bond that transcended time and space. Together, they had weathered life's storms and celebrated its joys, growing stronger with each passing day.

"I love you, Ethan. Forever and always," Lily whispered, her voice barely above a whisper.

"And I love you, Lily. Until the end of time," Ethan vowed, pressing a tender kiss to her lips.

As they embraced, the world faded away, leaving only the warmth of their love to light their way forward. And as they looked towards the future, they knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, united in their love and commitment to each other.

For Lily and Ethan, their love was a story written in the stars, a tale of two souls destined to be together, forever and always.

And so, their journey continued, filled with endless possibilities and the promise of a lifetime of love.

Forever and always.

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