The Kageyama's

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Day 1 in Japan (for now)
Kenma picked up his son and sighed. Kenma loved Rikku with every bit of him and he would always live by that but he yearned for more. He had a lot on his hands and never took a day off until now.
Kenma picked up his phone and dialed a number. He rocked Rikku while he waited for the person to pick up.
"Ah hello," his boss said.
"I was wondering if Jane could take my position for two months," he told his boss.
"I need time," he covered his sons ears just to make sure, "to move"
"So you will be working remote after that?"
"No I'll work at the office here,"

Author: "tag tag you're it" saying tag tag you're it

Kenma lay down with Rikku on his chest.
Kuroo came back about 45 minutes before they left for the game and put a blanket over his husband and his son.
He decided he would wake them up in about 20 minutes.
20 minutes later.
The family was in the limo with the radio on.
"California GIRLS WE'RE UNFORGETTABLE" Everyone was yelling.
Yamaguchi was laying on Kei's lap and singing the loudest. It was clear that the blonde boy was holding back a laugh.
Akieru was driving again while Ewia was switching the channel when the song was over. Out of no where Akiteru asked a question.
"Yamaguchi and Kei," he said "when will you have kids?"
Rikku shifted his head.
"Don't worry, sweetie" Kenma told him.
Yamaguchi and Kei were as red and Tendou's hair.
"We're 23!" Kei yelled.
"I was 20 when I had Rikku," Kenma told the car.
"No helping," Kei growled. Kuroo was slightly red remembering how young they were.
"Well, you've been married for 8 years and you don't have a kid," Tadashi remarked.
Ewia looked away.
"No" Kuroo gasped.
"Surprise," She shrugged.
The whole car started congratulating the couple. Rikku was excited knowing that he would have a cousin.
For the rest of the way Ewia was flooded with questions.
Once they got there the group made sure they were at the front. Everyone cheered as Bokuto's team walked to the court. Kenma looked besides him and saw a familiar face that left him crying.
"Akaashi," Kenma managed to say.
"KENMA" The other boy yelled pulling him in a tight hug.
Akaashi looked over and saw Kuroo.
"Hi Akaashi," he said.
"Hi," he replied "who is that adorable little boy"
"Our son," Kenma told him.
Akaashi showered him in hugs until two young boys and a younger girl appeared next to him.
"Oh these are my little children" he said with a smile, "anyway, Bokuto will love this"
"We originally came for Shoyo but then we found out that Bokuto's team was playing them and it just became like a huge reunion. Not to mention, I am very excited to see how Shoyo and Tobio have gotten more talented--they were already the most powerful duo in Japan and they have only gotten more skilled," Kuroo said.
"Who is Tobio or Shoyo?" Rikku asked.
"They are your uncles," Kenma told him "they were on a volleyball team with uncle Kei and uncle Tadashi,"
Kenma pulled up a photo from his phone to show to his son.

"They are your uncles," Kenma told him "they were on a volleyball team with uncle Kei and uncle Tadashi,"Kenma pulled up a photo from his phone to show to his son

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"This was the team," he told Rikku, "the blonde boy is uncle Kei and the green haired one is uncle Tadashi," Kenma said as he pointed to them "the shortest one's name is Yu Nishinoya and he will be playing on uncle Bokuto's team, the orange haired...

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"This was the team," he told Rikku, "the blonde boy is uncle Kei and the green haired one is uncle Tadashi," Kenma said as he pointed to them "the shortest one's name is Yu Nishinoya and he will be playing on uncle Bokuto's team, the orange haired one is uncle Shoyo, he's my best friend and the tall black haired one is uncle Tobio one of the best volleyball players I have ever met"
Rikku's eyes shined like Shoyo's whenever he scored. Kenma just wanted to see his best friend on the court already.
Finally the MSBY team walked on the court. Kenma started to cry. Akaashi and Kuroo hugged him while Tsukishima glared at them.
Ewia was in the bathroom but Akiteru was also hugging him.
And then one of Kenma's favorite things met his eyes. Hinata's. His eyes shone brighter then Kenma had ever seen them. There was about 10 minutes until the match started so he had time. Kenma ran down to the area bordering the court and hugged his best friend. Kuroo could be seen crying looking at his husband so happy.
"I missed you so much," Shoyo said, "when can I meet Rikku?"
"After the game," Kenma told the younger "but... You need to let me meet Aoi and Demi"
The two talked until the game started.
Before every game Bokuto finds his husband in the crowd and blows him a kiss but this time it was more than that, he would be saying hi to his two sons, his daughter, his husband, his unborn daughter and someone he has missed a lot.
Bokuto found his family and an unexpected face.
"KUROO" He yelled over the crowd.
"Save your voice for the game," Maki hit his head. Oikawa laughed and got ready to serve.
Thousands of people cheered for Oikawa when he served this time. For many reasons; his good looks, his skill, the team he was on and the fact he was standing there strong as ever just a week after his lover had died. R.I.P to Hajime Iwaizumi.
"I'm open!" Sora--the most talented opposite hitter on the team--yelled.
"Got it!" Nishinoya said as he saved the ball.
At 'halftime' (I'm making a halftime for the plot) Shoyo, Bokuto, Kenma, Akaashi, Kuroo, Atsumu and everyone gathered together.
"Oikawa," Yamaguchi said in a sad tone "I am so so sorry that happened to you"
"It's okay but uh why is there a tiny child hanging onto my leg" Oikawa snarled.
Kuroo picked him up. "Sorry"
Everyone--but the people that knew about Rikku--was shocked with the fact that Tetsuro Kuroo had a son.
"You have a kid," Kita said in shock.
Kuroo nodded. The little boy reached for Kenma .
"I'm the other parent," Kenma announced.
Everyone hugged him--but Akaashi (You will find out why in the next chapter)--and congratulated him on having a job(s) and a family.

Author: no update this weekend because I have a bat-mitzvah and then my grandpa's 80th birthday and my aunts and cousins are coming here from New York and Chicago and New Hamshire so to apologize I have three updates today.

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