Rikku meets a Russian

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"Rikku, did you have a good sleep?" Tetsuro asks his son.
Rikku rubs his hazel eyes and looks at his father with a huge smile.
Tetsuro hugs him and tells him what he does every morning to help Rikku learn Japanese for when they go back to Japan.
"鳥たちはあなたのために歌います" Tetsuro told him. The birds sing for you.
Rikku was excited to see Japan in a few years. He was excited to meet his aunt, meet his parents friends and make friends.
"When will papa get home," 4 year old Rikku asked.
"Half an hour,"
The 4 year old hugged his dad as they thought of something to surprise his papa with.
Third person on Kenma pov
Kenma walked through the door
"お父さんはあなたに見せたいものがあります" his son said in perfect Japanese.
"Your dad has something to show me," he asked.
Rikku nodded. Kenma walked into his bedroom and saw three video games on the bed.
"You sly fox," The blonde boy teased.
"You love me," His husband teased.
Kenma pulled him in and kissed him hard.
"Of course I do"
They smiled and lay down waiting for their son to barge into their room.
"Eu te amo" Kenma told his husband feeling proud of himself for remembering what Shoyo had taught him.
"What does that mean?" Tetsuro asked.
"I" he kissed him "love" he kissed him again "you" by that time they were full out in a make out session.
Luckily they heard a knock at the door.
Kuroo opened up and saw Lev.
"Hey do you need a babysitter?" He asked.
"I'm bored and my sister needs a job to keep her busy while we're in Canada and not Japan."
Rikku came up to his dad. "Who is he?" The young boy asked.
"A friend, he's gonna take care of you, okay?"
The little boy nodded and left with the Russian.
"Lev is taking care of Rikku" the older boy told the younger.
They had a conversation with their eyes.
We have the house to ourselves?
No, make out
We'll see what it turns into.
A few seconds later Kenma was already on his husbands lap.
"I missed this," the raven said.
Kenma got up to change into a oversized shirt with nothing other than boxers on under.
Being only 24 he pulled it off really well.
"Again, I missed this sight" Kuroo groaned.
Kenma got on his lap. The older grabbed his hips under his shirt. The two stared at eachother until the younger pulled at his husband's collar and finally kissed him. The roster head bit Kenma's lip asking for entrance. Kenma allowed him to.
Kuroo's tongue explored his husbands mouth. The gamer moaned as the older boy kissed him harder.
"Kuro, I want to watch something," Kenma said hugging Tetsuro.
"What do you want to watch?"
"Stranger Things or My Hero Academia: Two Heroes"
"Lets watch MHA with Rikku so how about Stranger things?"
"Thats good."
They stuggled up and turned on the TV. Kuroo made popcorn as they watched Will's mom freak out over his disappearance.
"We figured out the homosexuals on the first episode" Kuroo laughed.
Ever since they got married Kenma was playing video games only for fun every now and again and for work. It was nice that they got to actually speak.
"Mike is so clearly gay for Will" Kenma remarked.
They were laughing as they watched the show.
When the episode was over Kuroo turned to his husband. Kenma looked back and kissed him.
"You still speak Japanese right?" The old captain asked.
"はい" Kenma answered. Yes.
Kuroo kissed him and smiled.
"How about Japan next week?" He asked.
Kenma nodded and smiled at him.
"I can get tickets through my job"
"Great," the younger gasped.
"Rikku gets to meet Yaku and Kai and Shoyo and Bokuto and everyone," the gamer said in excitement.
"And my sister!" Kuroo yelled. The two immediately started packing and were thinking of ways to tell their son.
Kuroo and Kenma decided to take him and then wake him up on the plane.
That should work because he could sleep through a flood. (Fun fact: my brother slept through our basement flooding and like 25 people were in the house.)
"息子に私たちが育った場所を見せるのがとても楽しみです" Kenma told Kuroo. i am so excited to show our son where we grew up.
"So am I," Tetsuro remarked.
A few hours later Lev came back with Rikku.
He was holding a small bag that had chocolate and tiny toys in it. Lev has bought him clothes that Rikku could wear in Japan. Kuroo had texted Lev telling him they would be going to Japan.
Rikku was wearing this:

"Thank you Lev," Kenma bowed as a sign of respect and closed the door

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"Thank you Lev," Kenma bowed as a sign of respect and closed the door. Rikku set down his stuff on the kitchen table and wobbled over to the couch and fell asleep.
His parents looked at him and smiled. They didn't know if they could keep this secret.
"We need to thank Lev, these chocolates are so good," Kenma told Kuroo while he stuffed his face.
"Where did he get these?" Kuroo asked.
They left a chocolate bunny for him. While they walked upstairs to their room Kuroo put a blanket over Rikku. The parents headed to bed dreaming of where they grew up and how to avoid paparazzi.
No one at work knew that Kuroo and Kenma were married. No one other than a few carefully picked people knew and out of those 20 people only 5 knew about Rikku and they were: Shoyo, Bokuto, Ewia (Kuroo's sister), Alisa and Lev. Not even Akiteru (Ewia's husband), Akaashi or Kageyama knew.
Not Kuroo's absent parents (mostly his mom who he never knew).
Not Kenma's parents. Only those highly trsuted individuals.
They wanted to keep it that way so they could live a peaceful life.
Kuroo and Kenma were mostly known in Japan as Nekoma's golden graduates due to them being insanely successful.

End of chapter one.
This is over 1000 words. I'm pretty proud of myself. Read my other Haikyuu story it makes Kuroo's family make more sense.

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