Chapter 2: The Training

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[Two days later...]

(BoBoiBoy and his team are getting ready to go and they bid farewell to their family.)

Tok Aba: "Be safe and healthy okay BoBoiBoy." 

(Tok Aba said while hugging BoBoiBoy.)

BoBoiBoy: "I will tok, you too don't overwork at the shop too much." 

(BoBoiBoy said smiling while hugging Tok Aba.)

Tok Aba: "I will hehe."

Pipi: "Papaa! Don't forget to visit Pipi okay!"

(Pipi said while hugging Papa Zola's foot.)

Papa Zola: "Hahahaha I promise in the name of justice!" 

(Papa Zola said with his usual pose.)

(After that they went off to space and wave their families from the spaceship.)

(Few minutes later, they already in outer space.)

BoBoiBoy: "So we're going to TEMPUR-A station?" 

(BoBoiBoy asked to Commander Koko Ci on the screen.)

Commander KoKo Ci: "Yes, since TAPOPS station is still under construction after our battle with Retak'ka." 

(Commander Koko Ci said.)

Everyone: "Okay Commander!" 

(all of them in the room with TAPOPS salute said.)

Commander Koko Ci: "Make sure you're all stay out of trouble and don't go out from the save zone!" 

(Commander Koko Ci shout looking at Papa Zola.)

Papa Zola: "O-o-okay hehe." 

(Papa Zola said nervously.)

(The communication got turned off.)

Yaya: "So we have 8 hours before we arrived to TEMPUR-A station, what should we do?" 

(Yaya asked.)

BoBoiBoy: "Fang and I want to practice a bit since I promised him, bye all." 

(BoBoiBoy said Ochobot and Fang who goes to the practice room.)

Gopal: "Then should we play cards?" 

(Gopal asked taking out play cards.)

Ying and Yaya: "Let's go!" 

(both Ying and Yaya said in the control room.)

Papa Zola: "Hey, I want to play too!" 

(Papa Zola shout while driving the spaceship.)

Ying: "Haiya, you can't captain Papa, you have to make sure we didn't get into the forbidden zone again." 

(Ying said to Papa Zola.)

Papa Zola: "Halahh" 

(Papa Zola said pouting.)

[At practice room...]

Fang: "Oh you want to split into three?" 

(Fang asked while fixing his glasses.)

BoBoiBoy: "Yeah, one of them will practice with you and the other two which is Solar and Halilintar will be with Ochobot to talk about some combination attacks that they made 2 days ago."

Fang: "Eh you sure? You said that Solar and Halilintar are not quite good combination to be together and what if they suddenly fusion together into Supra and attack all of us?!"

BoBoiBoy: Galactic ConfrontationHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin