Chapter 16: The Energy

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(Both Halilintar and Solar thinking for the next step.)

(When all of them already in front of the infirmary, they saw Yaya talking to someone which to be Captain Kaizo.)

(Both Halilintar and Solar mood changed really bad when they see him.)

Ying: "Captain! What are you doing here? I thought you go back to the hidden mission last night?" 

(Ying asked surprised.)

Captain Kaizo: "I was going to today because yesterday we have to move all power spheres back to their original room. I got the news about BoBoiBoy from Ramenman so I come here"

(Captain Kaizo explaining.)

Halilintar: "Hm! You can go back to your so called mission captain." 

(Halilintar said sarcastic.)

Fang: "Halilintar! It's rude to say that to Captain!" 

(Fang said.)

Solar: "Well can you excuse us, we want to go back inside." 

(Solar said giving a unhappy look.)

(Before both Halilintar and Solar comes in, they got stopped after hearing Captain Kaizo's words.)

Captain Kaizo: "Look, I'm sorry after what happen few years ago. I don't know that inside BoBoiBoy's watch also have other lives in it and I'm sorry that I want to separate you guys from BoBoiBoy." 

(Captain Kaizo said to both of the elementals which surprised both Fang and Ying.)

Solar: "There's a saying that 'Once you do it, guaranteed they will do it again'. Sorry Captain, but we still can't trust you for BoBoiBoy and us the elementals." 

(Solar said angry look.)

(Both Halilintar and Solar comes in, while Fang, Ying and Admiral Tarung stay outside.)

Admiral Tarung: "Captain, you should apologize to all seven of them not just two of them." 

(Admiral said while touching Captain Kaizo's shoulder.)

Captain Kaizo: "I know I know"

Fang: "You knew that the elementals are angry at you?" 

(Fang asked surprised.)

Captain Kaizo: "Of course I know, everytime they comes out they showed it. I know how furious BoBoiBoy Halilintar and BoBoiBoy Blaze at me. Not to mention, when you guys fight me few years ago and also when we fight Junglenaut. Halilintar is very strong due to anger at me. That time, I don't know the elementals feeling when I make you taking BoBoiBoy's watch from him."

Yaya: "Well I think it's natural that Captain Kaizo needs to apologize. Because like they said, for them. BoBoiBoy is their savior and they really fond to him so much."

(Yaya said.)

Ying: "Yeah, it's just like you want to separate them from their family." 

(Ying said.)

Captain Kaizo: "I know, I will try again later after my mission… oh I have to go now, please tell me updates about them."

(Captain Kaizo said looking at his watch.)

Admiral Tarung: "Be careful captain." 

(Admiral Tarung said.)

Captain Kaizo: "Okay Admiral!" 

(Captain Kaizo said giving salute to him and then he ran off.)

Admiral Tarung: "So, Fang let's go inside, Yaya and Ying stay here."

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