Chapter 8

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The three of us, Kaylee, Arthur, and I, went in to the classroom late. Our teacher scolded us, and before we knew it, we were tasked with cleaning the school before we could head home. This was a punishment for the three of us for arriving late at school.

Once we returned to our seats, I struggled to focus on the lesson. The news of Arthur and Kaylee dating was like a buzzling fly in my ear, distracting me at every turn. It all felt too sudden, yet expected from them.

It went like this till 3 in the afternoon—I couldn't focus. I wanted to head back home and not ending up being the thirdwheel, but we still have to clean the school before heading home. To speed things up, the three of us decided to make Kaylee took charge of cleaning our classroom, Arthur cleaning the hallway, and I was assigned cleaning the windows.

As I wiped the window I took the chance and ask Arthur "So, when did you guys started dating?"

He responded casually "The night you fell asleep," with a smirk, leaning casually against a nearby locker. "Kaylee confessed, and I figured, why not?"

His casual attitude was getting on my nerves. Kaylee deserved better than this playboy. I bit back my anger and focused on my task, determined to finish quickly.

I decided to take a break and check on Kaylee. When I stepped back into the classroom, I was surprised to find it gleaming clean, thanks to Kaylee's effort.

Impressed, I complimented her "Great job Kaylee. You must be tired after cleaning."

Kaylee responded and yawn "Yeah, Im going to take a nap for a bit. Is that okay?" She then sat on the chair while resting her head in the arm chair.

Arthur then came in and stood beside me and said "Sure, take your time to rest."

Kaylee then said "You guys better wake me up. Dont leave me here when your done" and then she took a nap.

As Arthur and I continued cleaning, I finished my task earlier than expected. Glancing at Arthur, who was still struggling with his broom, I sighed "You're so slow," I muttered. Despite my exhaustion, I offered to help. But as I reached for the broom, I stumbled, falling awkwardly into Arthur's chest. 'Fuck, I look like a gay twig nerd clinging onto him'

Blushed with embarrassment, I pushed him away. "I'm heading back to the classroom," I said, eager to escape the awkwardness.

But before I could make my exit, Arthur grabbed my arm, pinning me against the locker. Arthur's eyes met mine, oozing with a seductive intensity, his smirk adding to the allure. He leaned in so close, our faces almost touched, as if we were about to kiss.

Just as things seemed to be taking an unexpected turn, a voice shattered the moment. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

Startled, Arthur and I broke apart, turning to find Kaylee standing in the hallway, looking confused and disgusted.

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