Chapter 3

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As we entered the classroom, Arthur and I quickly took our seats. Luckily, we weren't late; the teacher arrived right on time. As I mentioned before, Arthur and I always sit next to each other. It's strategic spot for us, allowing us to help each other out whenever we struggle with a certain topic.

Glancing at Arthur, I couldn't help but admire him. Every angle of him seemed perfect. His face was serious, his attention fully on the teacher as she began her lesson. He seemed like God's favorite, effortlessly excelling in everything he did. Meanwhile, no matter how hard I studied, I always seemed to come in second to him.

While I was stealing a glance at Arthur, he suddenly looked back at me, our eyes meeting. Feeling caught off guard, I quickly looked back, worried that he might find my staring creepy, but Arthur ignored it and initiated a conversation by asking, "Luke, have you finish your homework?" It was then I realized I hadn't completed my assignments because I had been so exhausted at school that I had dozed off. "No, I haven't" I admitted it. Without hesitation, Arthur handed me his notebook, saying, "You can look at mine if you want," with a warm smile.

Grateful for his help, I took the notebook and said "Thanks, I'll buy you some food later." his face lit up with excitement as he replied, "Alright, I'll look forward to it then".

After what felt like an eternity listening to my teacher's discussion, it's finally recess. Listening to the lesson made me hungry, so I tidied up my belongings before heading to buy a snack. Arthur was already surrounded by people asking if they wanted to hang out and buy snacks together.

"Sup Arthur, let's grab some food. I heard they've got some delicious snacks today!" exclaimed one of our classmate.

"Yeah, Arthur, they're selling apple juice boxes, your favorite!" added Kaylee Miller, the epitome of kindness and friendliness, adorned with an endearing charm.

Kaylee is exactly the type of girl who would greet everyone with a warm smile. But because of that, she recieves tons of confession from the boys. Sometimes, I can't help but find her adorable when she gets shy and blushes intensely after making a mistake. It's like a reminder that she's just as human as the rest of us, which makes her easy to befriend and approach. However, rumors swirl that she has a huge crush on someone, perhaps the reason behind her polite rejection after recieving confession from the boys.

While Kaylee was talking to Arthur, the boys playfully teased them, saying "Ooo~ Kaylee likes Arthur" Kaylee blushed and trying to laugh it off. I mean, it's not surprising if Kaylee likes Arthur. They make a striking pair, both popular and well-liked. Arthur got up and accepted the invitation to join in purchasing snacks with them. He called me to join along with them, and with a sigh, I joined in.

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