Chapter 2

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Arthur continued talking with his friends as I slowly stepped back and made my way home alone. Normally, Arthur and I would walk home together, but he was engrossed in conversation with his friends, and I couldn't blame him for that. I didn't hold any grudges against him for it. Arthur was the epitome of popularity—admired by both girls and boys for his perfection. He excelled academically, was athletically inclined, actively participated in various activities, and was unfailingly helpful and friendly to everyone. It wasn't surprising that many girls admired him. It was quite unexpected that we even became friends in the first place.

As I headed home, I decided to plug in my Airpods, grab my phone, and lose myself in music. I don't have a specific favorite genre; my taste tends to change frequently. One week I might be obsessed with K-pop, the next week it's metal rock, and then jazz, and so on. In contrast, Arthur enjoyed listening to slow, romantic old songs. I often caught a glimpse of his playlist on his phone whenever he decided to unwind and rest his head on my shoulder in the empty classroom.

Walking home alone left me feeling a bit lonely, but I accepted it as part of my reality. Once home, I tossed my bag on the floor, threw my uniform I wore in the laundry basket, and took a moment to rest. School days were exhausting and socially draining. The drain on my energy was so profound that I couldn't muster the strength to complete my research or other homework.  Succumbing to exhaustion, I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

The next morning, I lacked the energy to face school. I found myself consumed by thoughts of the previous day, feeling isolated in the midst of a crowded world. Despite this, I pushed aside my emotions, mustered my resolve, and prepared for another day at school. Arriving at school precisely on time, as usual, I reflected on my punctuality. I wasn't one to arrive early; typically, I would either be fashionably late or just manage to make it on time.

As I arrived at school, I spotted Arthur engaged in conversation with someone, and his eyes met mine.

"Luke you're here!" Arthur exclaimed with a wide grin, his enthusiasm reminiscent of a dog welcoming its owner home, wagging its tail in excitement. He swiftly approached me and put his arm around my shoulders, his gesture conveying familiarity and warmth.

Returning his smile, I greeted him "Hey Arthur, how's your day been so far?" I directed my gaze at him, awaiting his response. Arthur let out a tired yawn and responded "Nothing much. Its still early in the morning but Im pretty exhausted"

His weight pressed down heavily on my shoulders, a clear indication of his exhaustion. I couldn't help but notice how I had to tilt my head slighty upwards to meet his eyes—he towered over me with his impressive 6 foot height and good looking sharp features. His sharply defined jawline was complemented by his pointed nose, while his eyes held and intriguing coldness that could easily captivate. Despite his sharp features, he possessed a warm puppy smile, that could make anyone go 'aww'. This smile that he has complemented his light shade of hair.

His muscular arms hinted at his dedication to atheletics. With his huge bicep, he could help or carry anyone easily. On the other hand, I look like a sore loser who was thin and frail. I have this dark shade of hair and wear rounded eyeglasses to see clearly. Im just any typical nerd high schooler who you could see in a movie, but I brushed off any self-conscious thoughts, opting not to dwell on them but if I was a girl I would've fallen for him easily.

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