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A SONNET by GreeneverGardenn

Oh, your eyes sparkle like a precious gem.
Does it show feelings for me? Perhaps, I am not sure.
Or I am too delusional for thinking that we are both has chem,
Since you are not even aware that this love is pure.

Like stars gleaming in the darkest night.
Everytime I see you, I found  my therapy— my life.
Your voice a melody that made my heart’s delight.
Is that song for me? Your answer stabbed me like a knife.

It is okay, at least each moment spent with you is worth.
With all cherished memories to hold.
You are from south while I am from north—
Yes, we came from contrasting world.

Oh, how I adore this man, so handsome, so fine—
A treasure, found in my dream, forever cannot be mine.

Thine eyes sparkle like a precious gem.
Doth it show feelings for me? Perchance, I am not sure.
Or I am too delusional for thinking that we are both hath chem,
Since thou art nay e’en aware that this love is pure.

Like stars gleaming in the darkest night.
Everytime I see thee, I found my therapy— my life.
Thy voice a melody that made my heart’s delight.
Is that song for me? Thy answer stabbed me like a knife.

It is okay, at least each moment spent with thee is worth.
With all cherished memories to hold.
Thou art from south whilst I am from north—
Yes, we came from contrasting world.

Oh, how I adore this man, so handsome, so fine—
A treasure, found in my dream, forever canst not be mine.


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plagiarism is a crime.

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