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"Where the fuck have you been?" Pallavi spoke on her burner cell the moment I picked up.

"Been shot. Thrice."

"Yeah, so not much. I wanted security updates considering I'm not liking what I hear." She was enraged by what she knew.

"And what did you hear?"

"Can't tell on the phone. The same café in 15." She said as I spoke urgently before she could disconnect.

"I can't drive." I said knowing after the last attack I can't trust even my own security to drive me. It would risk the secrecy if the information.

"Bring your soon to be ex-wife." She says, and I hear the call cut. She's one bloody bitch.

It's still shocking it took her this long to connect to me because usually she gets to me the second she wants, whenever or wherever. I can't ask Divjyot for this favor.

And how dare she call Divjyot my 'soon to be ex-wife'?

I also don't have anyone else I can take with me. I can't trust any driver with this visit after what just happened. Not Raavi and clearly not Tejpartap. The whole game is to see him on the throne, even if he doesn't want it. He wouldn't like to hear this and he may end up doing something extreme to save me, Divjyot and the babies. Pallavi is smarter than I give her credit for.

I limp out of my bedroom to the next door and knock on the door. She had disconnected the call with her mom a while ago but the door was still not shut completely. "Divjyot." I call for her making sure she knows it was me on this side of the door. I was injured, which meant atleast I deserved less waiting time at the door.

"Coming." Her voice seemed heavier as I tried to sense if she was eating something or crying. I stood there waiting as the two doors separate to reveal her standing in a tshirt and sweatshirt. "Yes?"

"I need to go talk to Pallavi. I can't... sit properly or drive so if you could..."

"Sure. Do I need to change?"

"Totally up to you, but it is kind of urgent. We can take the car with tinted windows and you can keep sitting inside." I said as she nods and picks up her wallet and walks to me.


I sat on the car seat all weight on the unshot side of my ass. My doctor would have a heart attack if he knew what I was doing when he clearly told me to not put weight on my bottom for a month.

"Where to?"

"Right from the Eden and then down the park next to the central library." I say as she nods and focuses on the road.

"What is it about?"

"Pallavi did not mention the exact topic of conversation but it was urgent so I can assume it is regarding the ball."

"Okay." She said as if contemplating something.

"What's wrong?" I asked as she bit her lower lip and shook her head.

"Divjyot, I know we've established that we are not a good couple, but to make our lives easier we can atleast be friends. Have conversations where the other person knows what is happening in the other's brain."

"WE did not 'establish' it. You turned out to be an asshole and destroyed any chance of us ever being a good couple." She said as if kicking me square in the nuts. Honestly, the gunshot to the ass was less painful than this. She hits a nerve everytime. "Still want me to continue sharing what's in my brain?"

"Yeah. Yes. Please tell me."

"I don't understand the purpose of it all." She complained.

"Of what?"

The Royal NightmareOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora