Vol 2: Guilty Until Proven Innocent

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The next morning, students busily exchanged information with each other. Those from Hirata's group and those with Kushida had spent yesterday searching for the witness.

Ike and Yamauchi hated ladies' men like Hirata, but seemed excited about all of the girls who hung around him. They happily tried to chat them up.

As Kai listened in, though, he heard that Hirata and his group hadn't obtained any valuable information. They'd recorded the names of the people to whom they'd spoken, and occasionally taken notes on their cell phones.

Kai's Thoughts: Although it's a good start, it's still too slow...

They didn't have much time in order to find the culprit. If they didn't, then Class D would suffer just like they did, when they had obtained zero points.

They would maybe lose their points again and lose a classmate. And while the others didn't care about that...Kai knew Sudou's expulsion would come back to bite them.

As that happened, Kai was alone, like always, as he was mostly looking down at a paper on his table.

He could talk to Kushida, but didn't feel like conversing with a big group. He couldn't really talk, so he asked Kushida to fill him in later.

Meanwhile, his neighbor—who continued to reject Kushida's invitations, no matter what—sat with a nonchalant expression as she prepared for class.

No matter what, Horikita didn't really do anything, as she often minded her own business. Unless they were able to solve what they told them, she wouldn't help them.

That or she didn't care enough to intervene. As that occurred, Sudou, the person of interest, still hadn't arrived.

Ike: *Sigh* Man, can we even prove that those Class C guys were in the wrong?

Kushida: As long as we can find a witness, it's not impossible. Let's keep trying our best, Ike-kun.

At the remark, not even Ike was able to put his worries behind Kushida's words.

Instead, he couldn't help but comment his own worries about the case.

Ike: Before we try our best, though, is there even a witness in the first place? Didn't Sudou only say that he thought someone might've been there? Wasn't that just a lie? I mean, he is violent, and he does provoke people.

At the remark, everyone nodded and look down mad. If he did lie, then not only would they be doing this for nothing but the case might be worse than just Sudou becoming suspended and costing them Class Points.

Class D had started to support Sudou, in saying how he's also innocent. Who's to say they would be caught in the crossfire?

Because of that, a few people wished to give up on Sudou.

Kushida: If we keep doubting him, we won't make any progress. Am I wrong?

Ike: I guess, you're probably right about that, but...if Sudou is in the wrong, then our hard-earned points are all going be stripped away, right? We'll be at zero. Zero! We'll be back to having no pocket money at all. Our dreams of screwing around to our hearts' content will remain unrealized!

At the remark, the hero of the class, Hirata stood up.

Hirata: Then it would be a good idea for everyone to start saving up again. It's only been three months since we started here.

The classroom hero didn't waver as he delivered his magnificent speech. The girls immediately blushed in response. Karuizawa wore a particularly proud expression, perhaps because she was the one he'd chosen to be his girlfriend.

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