{20- The Good & The Bad}

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-Hey guys! Before you guys continue reading I just wanted to ask you guys regarding Street Girl Fighter 2. Would you guys want the Eternal babies to be the winners or no? I can't decided if I want them to win or not. Pls let me know!-

"Happy Birthday to you

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"Happy Birthday to you." Everyone sang in union as they gathered around Ivy who smiled brightly as she stood in front of her cake. Tears in her eyes seeing how all her friends and family were gathered around her. She had become more emotional after finding out Leah had flown out her parents to Korea for her birthday. When she found out she couldn't stop crying knowing how much the girl cares for her members. Leah recorded the moment seeing Ivy sway her head side to side as she clapped her hands in happiness. When they finished singing they all clapped in union seeing her chuckle as she looked down at her cake. She closed her eyes, interwinding her hands in front of her as she made a wish. She blew out the candles as her eyes fluttered open. They landed on her leader who she brought into a tight embrace thanking her for everything. "Thank you for bringing my parents out here. You truly are the best little sister I could ever have." The blue dark haired girl nodded her head as she patted her back. She could hear her sniff telling her she's crying again. The entire day she shed tears, they were happy tears. Ivy wasn't one to easily cry about things or people but when it came to her members. She wouldn't hold back and allow herself to feel what she needs to. They took many pictures together and made sure to spend the rest of the evening with one another.

The entire house was filled with guests and people who wished Ivy the happiest. Leah ended up excusing herself as she headed outside feeling the breeze picking up. She sat by the fireplace like last time, her eyes watching the light flames where they had once stood around. It was getting colder by the minute making them all freeze. They all headed inside to finish celebrating before parting ways. The fire reflected into her eyes as she stared at it. Her mind wandered off to the recent events that had occurred these few couple of days. She had seen people slash and shout at Howl over the internet. Although he did deserve it she felt bad for it. Her intention was never for him to receive such treatment from people. All she wishes for is to put this all to an end and for all the girls he's hurt get justice. There's no turning back now and she'll continue with the plan. She's attending the first trial once she gets back from Japan. The girls leave first thing in the morning tomorrow having a flight to catch and long hours of practice until the award ceremony. The tall handsome woman laughed at something Aiki had said having to do with the performance they saw earlier. The women around her laughing, Bada's brown eyes looked around the living room in search of her girlfriend. She excused herself heading to the kitchen to grab herself another drink. She came across Soo Ah, Yujin and Ivy who fought over the last popsicle in the fridge.

She walks past them grabbing another beer can from the fridge. "Unnie, can you toss me one?" Lusher shouted from across the room. She nodded her head grabbing another drink. Instead of throwing it she handed it to her not wanting to make a mess and two hurt her in the process. Lusher, Tatter and Kyma played this fighting game on the dinner table. Both Kyma and Lusher screamed as they fought one another determined to win. Tatter hit her shoulder against Bada's arm nudging her head outside where Leah sat all alone staring at the fire. Bada nodded her head understanding what she meant and headed to the sliding door. She closed it behind her sliding her feet into the outside slippers. She made her way across the huge lawn walking around the fireplace and taking a seat next to her. She popped open her beer as she tilted her head back taking a sip from it.

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