{12- Confusion Strikes Again}

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The tall handsome woman sat in the living room of her apartment

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The tall handsome woman sat in the living room of her apartment. Her eyes glued to the ground as she replayed the conversation she had with Soo Ah earlier. Bada had gone to go check on the new members of Team BEBE making sure they were doing alright with the new challenge. They still had a few more days to spare to come up with a good choreography to perform in front of the other groups and leaders. Although her main concern should be the teenage girls her mind kept wandering back to the conversation. Something about it didn't add up nor make sense to her. Apart from what Leah had gone through by herself that made sense but it was until the last bit of the conversation which left her confused and with unanswered questions. "There's something else you should know, Bada. Howl came looking for Leah six years after she walked out of your life. I'm not sure for what but he even flew out to Japan just to see her." She let out a sigh unsure of what to think. From what she knew both of them despite each other and wouldn't last in a room together. At first Bada didn't understand why but until Leah explained how she liked her when they were teenagers. Now it made sense to her but even then, why would they still not get along now?

I mean they didn't have to be best friends but at least be acquaintances. Why would Howl suddenly out of the blue want to meet up with Leah in Japan? How did he even know she was there in the first place? Soo Ah had told her that only the girls from Eternal were aware of the dance competition they had in Japan. No one else knew apart from Soo Ah only because Yujin told her about their location and how long they would be gone for. Bada couldn't wrap her mind of what was going on between both of them? None of it made sense at all. Now that she thought about it, Howl and Leah never spoke to each other as teenagers. They only nodded their heads or said hi. That's about it, if they were in the same room which was rarely they remained quiet. Leah had naturally always been an introverted and always kept to herself. The only person she talked to was Bada at the time. She barely had any friends and only spoke to her classmates if needed. Yet, when she thought back to the video that Tatter showed her. They seemed to know a lot more about each other, especially being that close to one another. Bada had tried looking more in depth into Leah's journals but never once was Howl's name mentioned. All she came across is two pages from one of her journals being ripped off.

Bada rubbed her face furiously unsure of what to think or make up of the things she just learned. What is going on between Howl and Leah? In that moment her phone lit up making her eyes flicker to the screen seeing a message from Ivy. This made her furrowed her brows in confusion because she didn't talk to Ivy that much either. If anything she wasn't that close to the girls from Eternal apart from her girlfriend. She reached over for her phone seeing how instead of a message it was an imagen that had been sent to her. She unlocked her phone, opening the imagen. Only to come across Howl and Leah standing outside a groceries store talking to each other. Howl uncomfortably too close to the younger girl who crosses her arms over her chest. Her eyes looking around insinuating she didn't want to get caught with him. The picture wasn't taken recently, she could tell. "Howl came looking for Leah six years after she walked out of your life." Her words ran through her mind once again. Her eyes followed her girlfriend who wore baggy clothing over her competition outfit. She had a hood over her head trying to cover herself as much as she could. If anything now she's more confused than ever, unsure of what was going on. Letting out a sigh she threw herself back onto the couch closing her eyes in frustration.

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