{19- Happiness & goodbyes}

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The Korean Mexican girl sat in her hotel room as she scrolled through her phone looking at Ivy's story

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The Korean Mexican girl sat in her hotel room as she scrolled through her phone looking at Ivy's story. She smiled softly, seeing a picture of her with Yujin as they had dinner together. She continued to scroll, coming across a picture of Lusher and Tatter. Staring at the picture her eyes were averted to the phone call coming in front of Taeja. She clicked on it, placing the phone next to her ear as she answered it. "Leah, I have good news. One of the minors is suing Howl meaning a case will be open. The main detective already got all the evidence and recordings from the sit downs. She'll go through them again and submit them tonight." Leah took a deep breath, happy to hear that. She's aware it wouldn't take much to put Howl behind bars. It was only a matter of time until someone spoke up about the truth. Her shoulders fell in relaxation as she stared ahead. Her eyes landed on the tv screen across from her which played a criminal justice podcast. "He'll be charge for harassment, sexual assault and other things. I thought I would let you know. The detective will contact you soon to set up a time and date for you to head down to the station." She agreed to all of knowing it was part of the procedure. She could finally clear up her name and feel at ease knowing he was getting what he deserves. No one had ever made her suffer as much as he did. He caused her physical, mental and emotional pain all at once.

When you really thought her parents were the main villains of her story that couldn't be further than the truth. The main biggest enemy of them all being Seo Howl who managed to get into her head. He caused trauma and many issues to form within her. She had spent years in countless hours in therapy due to her depression and anxiety. Now that her mind is finally clearer and she could see things differently. She's aware of her being a victim in it all. Licking her lips she ended the call thanking Taeja. She opened an email sent to her from her lawyer with the documents and notes of the case, knowing the law and how things are handled in court she sure hopes the judge doesn't take his side. Many men are always 'protecting' or 'helping' one another when in reality they are making the situation worse. They are making it easier for those disgusting people to get away with things easily. The woman pushed herself up from the bed as she adjusted her red dress. She dialed her manager's number knowing what she needed to do. "Oppa? Have our legal team post the letter and make sure my lawyer sends the paperwork to Howl. Even if it breaks out into the world I would rather people know about the type of person he is than allow him to continue mistreating women." Baekhyung responded with an 'okay'.

He had gone over the article and letter countless times with her. Wanting to make sure everything was in order and that she was okay with allowing the world to know what he had done to her. Yoon Ah might have been abused but nothing could ever compare to what Howl had done to her. He took everything from her and gloated on seeing her suffering. Leah bit her index finger nail as she opened her Instagram waiting for the post to come in. There were two posts she agreed on posting. One explaining the pictures and recent events, two anyone who continued to repost the post or had anything to do with the original post would be sued by her company label. She hasn't felt this anxious in a while, her hands starting to shake, her throat going dry and her chest starting to tighten in worry.

Not him, HEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora