{4- Sgf2 Part.1}

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As more groups kept performing the girls from Eternal were losing hope of finding dancers

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As more groups kept performing the girls from Eternal were losing hope of finding dancers. Everyone they have wanted and tried to gain would either end up going to Jam or BEBE. At one point Leah let out a huge sigh of disappointment as she stared ahead. The pen in her right hand flickering around as she tapped it against the table aggressively. Yujin also felt frustrated with the whole situation to the point she started to toss and pull her hair around. Her hair had slowly become a messy nest above her head the more she kept running her fingers through it. Ivy threw her head back, closing her eyes as a small whine left her lips. They were really looking forward to having dancers join their team so far they had no one. Meanwhile the rest of the groups have tons of girls in their groups. Leah reaches over for her cup taking a sip from her energy drink. She had bought some in advance knowing today would be a long filming day and she would still needed for it later. She had too many things to do and little amount of time for it. Kirsten spoke in the microphone telling the next dancer to come out. Her green blue eyes slightly widen in amusement seeing Nami. She was excited to see what she would bring to the table and who she would end up picking.

Leah brought the microphone up to her lips watching her stand in front of them all. She bowed her head respectfully and waved her hands at the mentors. "Hello, Nami. How are you feeling?" She asked her to be polite about the whole situation. Most of them would just jump into questions about their skills and dancing life. Leah on the other hand cared more about their health and mental health knowing it could lead to something else. The young Korean girl chuckled, bringing the microphone up to her lips. Her brown eyes landed on the beautiful brunette girl. "I won't lie, I'm feeling a bit nervous. I didn't think standing in front of people and bright lights could be this intimidating." She nervously chuckled into the mic. The leader of Eternal scrunch her nose, finding her already adorable as she is. Her eyes looked down at the paper in front of her. Her eyes scan over her information about her dancing skills and the competitions she's been in. She read over them moving down to where it was written that she's related to someone from Turns. Her eyes flickered back to the girl seeing how she pulled her hat down her face, the shadow of it covering half of her face. "It's okay, my love. Why audition for Street Girl Fighter 2?" She didn't want to imply or jump into conclusion regarding her relatives.

The girls of Eternal never seemed to care who you were related to or relationships you had with other people. They have always been straightforward and treated people equally. Just because you come from a rich family or your brothers a mega super star doesn't mean you'll get better treatment. If anything they have always been respectful to anyone they have met. Everyone on the team got treated equally regarding their past or life history. "I have always wanted to be part of something. I feel like my whole life I have been living in my sister's shadow. I love her, don't get me wrong and she did offer me to be part of Turns but I turned it down. I want to make something of myself, by myself. I want to work hard and be able to be proud of everything I've done to get to that point. My passion has always been dancing even before my sister started to dance. So there is no way of following her footsteps or trying to be like her." Ivy smiled softly, nodding her head. Her eyes glanced at Leah knowing she understood the feeling of being in someone's shadows for years. She watched how the corner of her lips turned upwards into a kind smile. Her eyes changed a bit, turning softer, remembering that feeling. The raven haired girl took the microphone bringing it up to her lips. "We won't ask anymore questions. Show us what you got, fighting!"

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